World Ocean’s Day learning tasks Tues 9th June

Good morning Primary 4,

I hope you are managing fine with the work I am posting on this blog. If you have any questions please let me know in the comments box.

Did you know that today is World ocean’s Day? The 8th of June, every year,  is the day when people all over the world  celebrate and honour the oceans that connect us all. So today’s work is all about the oceans and the life that exists there.

Join the Environment Agency and the WWF to celebrate World Oceans Day this year with a special broadcast.  There will be talks from a range of experts on some of the amazing species that live around English coastline, some of the issues facing our oceans, how they are being protected and how you can get involved.

Visit this page to find learning activities:


Now  use this link to spin the globe and visit the coastal seas habitat. Click on explore to learn more.

Here are some activities at the link below that you can use to learn more about this topic. Scroll down and you will see a quiz and lots of photos of plastic pollution in the seas.

Don’t forget to let me know what you have learned in the comments box.

Miss Brooks


Monday 8th June learning tasks

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you had a good weekend. Here are some learning tasks for today. These activities are from the Eco schools Scotland website. Please let me know how you get on with them. You can send me some photos of what you find to my Glow email address:


This next activity is something you can do on a walk in your local area with an adult or a friend.


To analyse the data from your litter survey, use this resource:


As we are working on the Biodiversity topic for our next Green flag, it would be great if you could do these activities and send me photos of your work as evidence for our Eco Schools work.


eco-schools-wildlife-watch-pt1 (1)

There will be more Eco Schools activities to try at home tomorrow. Remember send me some evidence of your work to my Glow email address and let me know how you are getting on with the work on the comments page.

Miss Brooks




Home Learning Friday 5th June


Thank you to all of the children who have been sending me work, the teachers love to see what you are learning about at home.   Please, if you have not already done so, visit yesterday’s blog (link below) and make sure you do Task 1.  We really want the playground to reflect the pupils and we can only do that if you send in your ideas!

Today’s learning:

Task 1:

I asked you what book you would like me to read after George’s Marvellous Medicine and Tayiba asked for The Worst Witch.  Listen to chapter 1 and complete the task below.

In the story there are two new first years.

  1. Think back to your first day of school, how did you feel?  Were you scared, excited, nervous, shy? Write a short paragraph and /or draw a picture and label it about your first day of school.  Include a description of yourself standing in the playground and lots of adjectives to describe how you were feeling.
  2. Think forward to returning to school in August.  How do you think you will feel about it?  Are you excited to see your friends or worried that lots will have changed? Write a short paragraph and /or draw a picture and label it about returning to school in August. Include a description of yourself standing in the playground and lots of adjectives to describe how you might feel.

Task 2:

Watch these science experiments.

With permission from whoever is looking after you, see if you can do some of these.  Write or video why you thing these things happen?  What reactions are taking place?  Can you try to explain the science of them?

Task 3:

Lots of people have been making funny Lockdown song parodies.  This is where you take the tune of a famous song and put your own words to it that are funny.  Watch the example below:

  1. See if you can find your own example of a lockdown song, there are loads so pick your favourite, and share in the comments.
  2. Choose your favourite famous song, one you know really well, and see if you can write some words of your own about lockdown to fit with it.

Have a lovely weekend and please remember to send me your ideas about the painting in the playground!

Mrs Pattie

Home Learning Thursday 4th June


Thank you to everyone who has been in touch with their learning.  I know there are lots of you on the blog but I have not had any comments or messages about how you are doing.  If you want to send examples of your work you can text or WhatsApp it to our work number 0789 449 2119 or email it to

Task 1:

Lots of teachers have been back at school trying to clear everything up for you coming back in August.  I have been asked to get an artist to spray paint a really cool mural on the wall outside the P4 entrance and I want your ideas!  What would you like to see on the wall?  Think about our school and what it stands for; love, respect, equality and learning.  Text your ideas to 0789 449 2119.  Watch the video below of cool school murals to get you thinking!

Task 2:

Watch my video about the tadpoles we caught at the weekend.  See if you can do the tasks I talk about in the video.  Make sure you have a pen and paper to make notes on what you need to do, you can pause the video and write then play it again for the next instruction.

Task 3:

We have finished George’s Marvellous Medicine and I am going to start The Worst Witch tomorrow. But today, Mr Corrigan is going LIVE on YouTube at 2.30pm with a book.  Join in with your whole family if you can!

Remember to text me your ideas for the artwork on the wall outside.

Mrs Pattie

Wednesday’s Learning Tasks

Good morning boys and girls,

Here are some learning tasks for today.

First some times tables revision.



Now for some reading on Scottish myths and legends. Read the fact file and view the PowerPoint presentation  first and then see if you can answer the questions.

Fact File

Myths and legends PowerPoint




Have a nice day boys and girls. Don’t forget to go out and play.

Miss Brooks


Learning Tasks Tues 2nd June

Hi boys and girls,

I think summer has finally arrived. The weather has been so warm these last few days. This is the time of year when we think about visiting the beach. When I was a child I loved to go to the beach and collect shells and explore the marine life in rock pools. In those days, beaches were a lot cleaner than they are today and you wouldn’t see so much litter on them. You also wouldn’t hear about sea creatures being caught up in discarded fishing nets or swallowing plastic items left behind on beaches. I had planned to take the Eco Committee and Primary 4 to Prestwick beach this term to do a beach litter pick so that we can make a difference and perhaps save some creatures by clearing the beach of the litter that can kill. We will need to wait to do this now with the school being shut.

Today’s work then is about plastic pollution and the Biodiversity in the seas.

First some reading:

Watch the PowerPoint first. Then try the worksheets. You can also go online and research some more about this subject. Perhaps you could make a poster and display it in your window to remind people to bring their rubbish home from the beach this summer.

Plastic Pollution PowerPoint

Plastic Pollution Differentiated Activity Sheet

Beach Habitat Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Plastic Pollution Booklet


Enjoy the sunny weather.

Miss Brooks