Home Learning Tasks Thursday 30th April


I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

Here are your tasks for today:

Task 1

Log into Sumdog and complete the maths and grammar challenges I have set for you.  If you don’t know your password, I posted everyone’s Sumdog codes on the blog yesterday so you can find yours there.

Task 2

Listen to chapter 7 of George’s Marvellous Medicine


Roald Dahl uses some really interesting similes in his writing.

Remember, a simile is something we can use for descriptive writing. A simile gives you the ability to compare what is the same about two things that are different. A simile always uses ‘like‘ or ‘as’ to compare two things

Examples of similies in the chapter:

Up she went like a jack-in-the-box.

She’s dotty as a doughnut.

Now, we know that his Grandma isn’t really a doughnut or a jack-in-the-box, but by using these two different things and comparing them to his Grandma helps us to build a better picture of what is happening – it helps us to visualise the scene much better.

See if you can make up your own similes that would fit with this chapter and post them in the comments.

Task 3

Watch this video and see if you can regrow a carrot from the scraps.

Once they start to grow, measure them and let me know how tall your carrot is getting.  Take pictures and send them to me so I can see them.

Please remember, only do as much as you can but try to do something from the blog or learning pack each day.  Don’t forget to comment, email or get in touch!

Mrs Pattie

Digital Learning Pack for Term 4


Here you will find a copy of the learning pack for term 4.  We will continue to post work on the blog daily but you can access and use this as needed.

Thank you to everyone who is happy accessing this online and saving paper and the trees!
You can download it by clicking the green link below:

P4 Home learning Pack – Art

P4 Home Learning Pack – Art 2

P4 Home Learning Pack – Health and Wellbeing

P4 Home learning Pack – Literacy

P4 Home Learning Pack – Literacy 2

P4 Home Learning Pack – Literacy 3

P4 Home Learning Pack – Literacy 4

P4 Home Learning Pack – Maths

P4 Home Learning Pack – Science

P4 Home Learning Pack – STEM

There is a LOT of work here and we do not expect you to get through it all.  Just do what you can at a pace that works for you and your family.  If you choose just to do the daily tasks set on the blog this will be more than enough!

Please get in touch if you need anything else in terms of learning packs.
Mrs Pattie

Wednesday’s learning tasks

Good morning to you all,

I hope you and your families are well. Today is not quite so sunny outside, but you can make the world just a little bit brighter by showing your appreciation for all the essential workers like doctors and nurses in the NHS by choosing one of these posters to colour in and display in a window where it will be seen at home:



I am missing you all being at home and I would like to hear from you in the comments section. So far, I have only had a few comments from one or two children, so it is hard for me to know how you are getting on with the work. Here is a set of worksheets you could print and do and then send to me at my glow address to let me know how you are feeling.


Here are some other tasks you could do today:

When you go outside today for a walk or to the shops, try to think of 3 adjectives (describing words) for some of the things you see. When you get home you could write a story about your journey using some of these adjectives to make your story interesting.

Here are some fun learning tasks  from the First Bus company:

First Bus Digital Pack

As it is now spring, we are now seeing nature come alive again. I have noticed lots of bees in my garden looking for flowers and looking for a place to make a home. How much do you know about bees? They pollinate our crops. Without them, we would not have the great variety of fruit and vegetables available to us. We need to ensure their survival. To do this, we need to make sure they have enough of the right kinds of wildflowers to get nectar from, and make sure we don’t use pesticides in our gardens that can kill them. Here are some things to do to learn more  about these amazing little creatures:




Don’t forget to send me some comments on how you are getting on and let me know what interesting things you have been doing during this time when you are not at school. Also, please take a look at the Science and Eco pages on the blog as I am updating these as well with learning ideas and news.

Miss Brooks


Tuesday’s learning tasks

Good morning Primary 4,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the learning activities we have been posting on this blog.

Here are some learning tasks for today. First some Maths.

Division Wheels Activity Sheet and the answer sheet for this task to check how many you got right Division Wheels Answer Sheet.

Remember to turn each division sum into a multiplication with a missing number to work it out. Use your times tables to help.

e.g. 20 ÷ 10 becomes 10 x ? =20, so using your tables the missing number is 2. 20 ÷ 10 = 2.

Now for some reading to keep you improving your comprehension skills: Spring Reading Differentiated Comprehension Activity

Remember there are 3 comprehension levels here so pick the one that you find you can do.

As we are focussing on our feelings and emotions this week,                   here are some Health and well being ideas for you to try:


i-am-an-amazing-person-activity-sheet pdf


Another idea you could try is to find 5 things  that make you happy  today or that you think are beautiful e.g. some blossoms on a tree, a bird or even your mum’s smile. Take a photo of them all so that you can look back at them when you are not feeling so good.

Are you feeling artistic today? Would you like to improve your drawing skills? When you ask most people to draw a flower they will probably just draw a cartoon flower with a circle with some semi-circle bumps around it. Here is a link to an online lesson that will help you create better flower drawings:


Don’t forget to go out for a walk today and discover all the beautiful things about our world.

Miss Brooks

Today’s home learning tasks

Hello Primary 4,

This morning I have added some fun activities that you can do to help nature on the Eco page of the school blog. Please take a look and let me know how you are getting on with them and what you did. You can tell me in the comments section of this blog.

Mr Stewart and Mr Keddilty have made a virtual assembly on a health and well being theme that you can watch and take part in  with this link:


Here are some tasks that you can do to keep learning today:

Firstly a reading comprehension on the Great Fire of London.


Now for some Maths on doubling and halving. Remember to find half of a number you divide it by 2 and to double a number you multiply it by 2. Use your times tables to help you.


As we are thinking about Health and well being this week and especially our feelings and emotions here is an activity that you can do to get thinking about this topic.




Miss Brooks




Science blog reminder

Hi boys and girls,

Take a look at the Science page on the blog. I have put in some activities that you can do at home and some that your little brothers and sisters could do too. There are experiments to try and worksheets to do. You will need to go to the BPES website to take part and use the student codes I have given you to access these learning activities. I have put these on the Science page. Also, don’t forget to visit the Eco page on the blog too for more things to read and do.

Hope you have a lovely day and don’t forget to go out for some fresh air and exercise.

Miss Brooks

Home Learning – Friday 24th April

Good morning,

I hope you are all doing well.

Today’s learning tasks:

Task 1

Watch this video and see if you can guess which photo is which teacher as a child.

The teachers are:

Mrs Harker, Mr Keddilty (2 pictures), Mrs Creevey (Miss Hunter), Miss Kinloch, Mrs Higgins, Miss Webster, Miss Milne, Miss Bull, Mrs Crosby, Miss Mcue, Mrs Pattie, Miss Brooks, Mari, Miss Bhatti, Mrs Dunnet, Mr Corrigan, Miss O’Donnell, Mr Forshaw, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Henderson, Mrs Seery Mylet, Duncan, Miss Graham, Mrs McFadden,  Mrs Hunter Andreuccetti, Miss Fortieth and Mr B.

I’ll post the answers in the comments on Monday.

Task 2 

Listen to the next chapter of George’s Marvellous Medicine .

Listen to the story carefully and write down as many adjectives (describing words) as you hear.  Write what you think each word means then look them up in the dictionary to see if you were right. To challenge yourself, use a thesaurus to find a synonym for each adjective.

Comment below what books you would like me to read next!!

Task 3

Draw what you can see out of your window.  Fill the whole page, include as much detail as possible and colour it in. Then, write a paragraph about your view.  You should include a description of what you see and how the view makes you feel. Upload your results to the school Facebook page or blog.

Task 4

Follow this video to learn how to make paper frogs


If you like, Mrs Creevy has recorded a meditation for you.  This is a lovely  guided meditation for the whole family so enjoy if you think a bit of calm would be nice.

Please remember, only do what tasks you can and don’t let home learning cause any arguments at home!
We will always be on the blog everyday between 11am and 12 noon if you want to chat. We would love to hear more from you!

Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs Pattie

Home Learning – Thursday 23rd April

Hello everyone,

It was lovely to talk to some of you on the phone yesterday and hear that you are all doing well and keeping up with the blog.

Here are today’s learning tasks:

Task 1:

For many of you, Ramadan will start tonight.  It is a time where friends and family would usually meet and break fast together and you might start to really miss getting to see and hug your close friends and family during this holy time.  So, I though it would be nice to make a hug that you can send to people you miss.  You can make as many of these as you like 🙂















All you need is some paper and pens to decorate.  I used fabric to make the “arms” and paper to make the hands and heart but you can make the whole thing from paper if you don’t have any spare fabric. If you do have some fabric and want to try sewing go for it! You can write a message on the back of the hands to add something really special.

Task 2:

Listen to the next chapter of George’s Marvellous Medicine:

Use your visualising skills and see if you can be the illustrator and draw a scene from this chapter.  Make sure it is beautifully coloured in and then label it with evidence from the text. You might need to listen to it a few times to make sure you can really visualise what is happening.

Task 3:

See if you can make a board game about mental maths. Play test it with your family and blog the results.  Then log onto Sumdog for at least 20 minutes.

Please remember to comment what you are doing.  If you want to send pictures of your work you can email them to me  at the address below so I can share your work with the class:


Lastly, your teachers at St Albert’s miss you so much we thought we would make a wee exercise video for you…enjoy!

Mrs Pattie 🙂

Wednesday’s learning tasks

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you have started working on your pocket garden designs from yesterday’s blog. I am looking forward to seeing what you have come up with.

Here are today’s learning tasks:

First a little bit of fun with a Spot the difference sheet. Click on enable editing to get the proper view of this activity.

spot the difference (1)

Next a little reading to do about the work of a Scientist and some questions to answer afterwards.

Story_of_Jamie_Garcia (1)


Finally some Health and well being work. Watch the powerpoint presentation and then try the quiz. The answers are provided to check if you were right afterwards.

cfe-first-keeping-safe-around-medicine-powerpoint (1)


Miss Brooks