Home Learning Friday 5th June


Thank you to all of the children who have been sending me work, the teachers love to see what you are learning about at home.   Please, if you have not already done so, visit yesterday’s blog (link below) and make sure you do Task 1.  We really want the playground to reflect the pupils and we can only do that if you send in your ideas!


Today’s learning:

Task 1:

I asked you what book you would like me to read after George’s Marvellous Medicine and Tayiba asked for The Worst Witch.  Listen to chapter 1 and complete the task below.


In the story there are two new first years.

  1. Think back to your first day of school, how did you feel?  Were you scared, excited, nervous, shy? Write a short paragraph and /or draw a picture and label it about your first day of school.  Include a description of yourself standing in the playground and lots of adjectives to describe how you were feeling.
  2. Think forward to returning to school in August.  How do you think you will feel about it?  Are you excited to see your friends or worried that lots will have changed? Write a short paragraph and /or draw a picture and label it about returning to school in August. Include a description of yourself standing in the playground and lots of adjectives to describe how you might feel.

Task 2:

Watch these science experiments.

With permission from whoever is looking after you, see if you can do some of these.  Write or video why you thing these things happen?  What reactions are taking place?  Can you try to explain the science of them?

Task 3:

Lots of people have been making funny Lockdown song parodies.  This is where you take the tune of a famous song and put your own words to it that are funny.  Watch the example below:

  1. See if you can find your own example of a lockdown song, there are loads so pick your favourite, and share in the comments.
  2. Choose your favourite famous song, one you know really well, and see if you can write some words of your own about lockdown to fit with it.

Have a lovely weekend and please remember to send me your ideas about the painting in the playground!

Mrs Pattie

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