Home Learning Friday 29th May


I can’t believe it is nearly June! The weather is so lovely, please make sure you spend some time outside enjoying it.

Task 1:

Listen to the end of George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Think back to some of your predictions. Did you imagine the book to end this way? Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think this is a happy ending? Why do you think this?
  2. How would you feel if this happened to one of your relatives?
  3. What do you think would happen next if something like this happened in real life?
  4. At the end it says George touched a magical world, what clues in the book tell us what happened was magical?

Task 2:

Do the Standing long Jump Challenge and post in the comments your results.














Task 3:

Listen to Miss McCue reading from a book about our feelings and mental health.

Take some times to think about some of the questions she asks from the book.

Are there any feelings mentioned in the book you have never heard of?  Do a bit of research, what do they mean and how do you act when you feel this way?

Think about how you have been feeling during lock down.  Write a little bit about the things that have made it hard and how you felt and acted when things got difficult.

Task 4:

Enjoy the Sunshine!!!

Mrs Pattie

Home Learning Thursday 28th May


Here are today’s home learning tasks.

Task 1:

Listen to the next chapter of George’s Marvellous medicine.

We are coming to the end of the book so you should know quite a lot about the different characters now.  Write an acrostic poem about what happens in the book.  I have started it for you…

Grumpy Grandmother

Enormous chicken

Outside on the farm

Ridiculous ingredients






















Task 2:

Well done to those of you who have tried to beat the teacher on Sumdog.  But only three people in the class have been on their Sumdog profile this week and it is important you do the work I have set for you on there.  Make sure you log on and complete ALL the challenges I have set, you have until 31st May before they end!

Task 3:

I planted some nasturtium seeds inside and now they are ready to plant outside.  I noticed that everyday the leaves move to face the sun so I filmed a time lapse so show this happening.

Watch the video and follow the links to help you answer the questions.

  1. Why do plants move towards the sun?


2. What is photosynthesis?


3. Find out three interesting facts about nasturtiums.


Send your work to 0789 449 2119 or email gw19pattiealexis@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mrs Pattie

Wednesday 27th May

Good morning Primary 4.

Here are some learning tasks for today.

First some Science with a Circuits online experiment. To try this here are the steps you need to follow:

  •  Open the bpES website: bp.com/bpes
  •  Click on ‘Enter a student code’ (top right on all pages if you are not logged in)
  • Enter the code below.

Student code: 81973

Here are two worksheets to complete about what you found out:

BrightLights_Worksheet1 (1)


Now for some Maths word problems. Check if you have got them right using a calculator or ask an adult to check them for you.,


Next some Literacy. There are three versions of this text.  You could start with the easiest one and then try the next one or two if you wish.


Here are some other activities to try on the subject of birds. For the first one, it would be a good idea to get some bird seed from the local supermarket and sprinkle it on the ground in a safe place. Then watch from a window or place where the birds won’t see you and use this sheet to record what birds you see. Colour one box for each bird you see of each type.


These next sheets are for your own research. Look online to find out facts on these different types of birds and complete the fact files. Here is a useful Powerpoint presentation to help you get started:



Here is a wordsearch you can try all about birds:


Don’t forget Birdwatching is a fascinating hobby you can do all year round, wherever you are. If you are interested in attracting birds to your garden or back court here is a link to a page that will show you how to make your own bird feeders.


I hope you enjoy these activities. Let me know how you get on in the comments section or email me some pictures at my usual Glow address.

Miss Brooks



Tuesday 26th May

Hi boys and girls,

Another gorgeous sunny day after all that rain. Make sure you get out and enjoy it.

Here are today’s learning tasks:

Write an acrostics poem about summer.

To do this you need to make a list of describing words about summer. Then on a piece of paper write the word summer in capital letters going down the page with one letter at the start of each line like this:







Then use the describing words you have written to write each line. The first word should begin with the letters of the word summer.

Here is a tricky set of multiplication problems to try:


Miss Brooks

P4 Sharing of Learning


Just sharing some of the wonderful learning you have all been doing.

Tayiba went on a nature hunt and snapped pictures of these animals:
































Huzaifa has been working his way through the learning pack





































Iggy made some medieval weapons from materials he found in his garden.















We love seeing what you have been doing.  Send us your work and we’ll share it with the class.

Home Learning Thursday 21st May


Tomorrow is a school holiday and Eid is coming up this weekend.  We won’t post any home learning tomorrow or Monday so you can help prepare for Eid and enjoy it as much as you can with your family. However, the teachers have made a special Eid video for you all and I will post that tomorrow.

Task 1:

Mr Corrigan made this artwork of a beautiful Eid moon.

See if you can make one and, if you like, once it is dry you can write a kind message on the back and post it to a friend or relative as an Eid gift.

Task 2:

Beat the teacher!!!  I have logged on to Sumdog and had a go at trying to beat some of your scores on the challenges I set. Log on and see if you can do better than I did!

Task 3:

Listen to chapter 12 of George’s Marvellous Medicine:

See if you can write a short summary of the story so far.  It can’t be more than 5 sentences long so make sure you only add in the most important parts of the story.

Task 4:

Miss Bhatti made this wonderful video of how to make the most of the rest of Ramadan and Eid this year.

As Eid is approaching it is important that we think about our actions and how we can spread love and kindness.  See if you can do something for someone that shows kindness.  For example: making your Mum a cup of tea, doing the dishes or a household chore, making a card for someone you love and posting it through their door, cooking something delicious and leaving it on someone’s doorstep.
Send me your acts of kindness and I will post some of mine 🙂

Everyone who requested a learning pack should now have one.  These packs are for people who can not access the blog and learning online.  If you want to see the pack online you can access it all here:

Digital Learning Pack for Term 4

If you requested one and have not received one can you please let me know via text and I will arrange one to be dropped off.

Have a wonderful weekend and Eid Mubarak when it comes!
Mrs Pattie



Wednesday 20th May learning tasks

Hello boys and girls,

It is a gorgeous warm day today. Make sure you go out and soak up some sun. Don’t forget to go out for a walk and if you have access to a phone you could use the Spot-a-bee app that I have mentioned on the Eco page of our school blog, to take pictures of bees on plants that you spot and send the pictures in to the scientists in the Spot-a-bee project to help them with their research into the kinds of plants that bees favour.

I have been doing a lot of painting in my spare time. I painted my own shed at home and I have been in school this morning painting the school shed. It badly needed it. I used a special paint for sheds. Can you guess what colour it is? Maybe you can tell me in the comments box. It will need several coats because the wood is so dry it is just soaking up the paint. I hope we can decorate it with some stencils maybe of flowers, ivy  and bees. Anyway it is looking a bit better already.

Following on from last week, here are some more learning tasks on the topic of Ancient Rome.

The Romans LApdf

The Romans L A QAs


Build A Banquet Activity PowerPoint

Roman Menu Writing Template

Miss Brooks

P4 learning tasks Tues 19th May

Hi boys and girls,

I hope you enjoyed the learning tasks I posted yesterday all about Ramadan. I have some more for you to do today.

Here are some Maths and Art activities  all about the beautiful use of shapes and patterns in Islamic Art.


t2-re-579-how-to-draw-an-islamic-geometric-repeating-pattern-stepbystep-instructions_ver_3 (1)

Geometric Patterns – Drawing 5 Overlapping Circles

Geometric Patterns – 7 Overlapping Circles Grids




As Eid-al-Fitr is coming up this weekend, here are some tasks that you might find interesting.








I hope you enjoy these activities. Please get in touch using the comments page or email me about how you are doing with your work at gw11brooksantonia01@glow.sch.uk

Miss Brooks

P4 learning tasks Monday 18th May

Hi boys and girls,

It was nice to see some rain yesterday as the plants and trees must be needing a drink after that spell of dry weather we have been having. The grass in my garden has turned a funny shade of yellow without the rain. I am hoping it will make a comeback now.  I hope you are getting out for walks in this most beautiful season. Fresh air and exercise are important to our health and well being.

As we are approaching the end of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr is at the weekend, here are  some learning tasks about this.









t-tp-1012-what-happens-during-ramadan-activity-sheet (1)





Remember you don’t have to do all of these. Please let me know how you are getting on in the comments section.

Miss Brooks


Home Learning Friday 15th May


Some tasks for you today to get your creativity flowing and your brains working.

Task 1:

Zoopla have created a national fort challenge.  They are challenging children to build forts and dens in their house, take a picture and enter their competition. Some of the entries so far have been amazing!

Build an amazing fort and take a picture and send it to me.  If you want to enter the competition you can do so here:


Task 2:

Listen to Chapter 11 of George’s Marvellous Medicine

Thinking back and answer the following:

  1. What do you think George has forgotten to put in the medicine?
  2. Do you think he will be able to recreate it and become famous?  Why do you think this?
  3. Illustrate (draw) a scene from this chapter and label it with evidence in the story.

Task 3:

Join our P4 online party today at 2pm.  You can join the meeting by clicking on the green link below.


Remember, Sumdog is there for you to practice your spelling and maths work any time you like!

I look forward to seeing you all,
Mrs Pattie