Day 32 – keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.

Hi all, sorry I’m a bit late today but I’ve been busy in school cleaning the classroom and doing some work in the outdoor area.  Honestly, just wait until you see the school, it’s AMAZING!

Remember, Mrs Pattie is getting an artist to spray paint a really cool mural in the upper playground and she wants your ideas! What would you like to see on the wall? Think about our school and what it stands for; love, respect, equality and learning. Text your ideas to 0789 449 2119.


The blog learning will look different from now on until the summer holidays.  There will be a learning grid posted every Monday, you then get to choose which tasks you’d like to do.  You can complete all of them or just choose your favourites.

Remember you can still access Sumdog, Bug Club and BBC Bitesize if you’d like more challenges.  I will try to visit every day just to say hello and keep up with any comments.

If there are any questions please just ask.

Learning ideas pdf

Day 31 – build on your dreams, P3


Morning everyone, it’s Friday again.  Wooohooo!!!!  I hope you have a fantastic weekend, see you all on Monday.

Task 1: Mrs Pattie is getting an artist to spray paint a really cool mural in the upper playground and she wants your ideas! What would you like to see on the wall? Think about our school and what it stands for; love, respect, equality and learning. Text your ideas to 0789 449 2119. Watch the video below of cool school murals to get you thinking!


Task 2: Reading:  watch and listen to Miss Graham reading the next part of Roald Dahl’s “The Twits”.  Thanks again to all those who joined me yesterday for the YouTube live.  Hope to see you again next week!


Task 3:  HWB:  It’s Friday so sit back and have a laugh at some of these animals!  It cracks me up every time.

Day 30 – Supersonic Thursdays, P3

Morning everyone, welcome back to the P3 Blog, lovely to see you again!  Here are your activities for today.

Task 1:  Reading, I will be doing another YouTube Live reading at 2.30 today.  It’ll be a couple of chapters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the classic book written by Roald Dahl.  Hope that yo and the family can join me and write some comments.


Task 2:  Literacy/Science:  Watch this amazing video of Felix Baumgartner make the highest jump ever from space!  It’s incredible to watch and think about.  When you’re watching the short film consider these questions.

– how does he feel standing in space looking down before he jumps?

– what is he thinking about when he’s falling towards Earth?

– what would could possibly go wrong?

– if you had the chance, would you jump from space?

– if you could do anything extreme, what would it be?



Task 3: French:  Yes or “Oui” in French, we are going to do some French for the first time during Lockdown.  Have a watch of the videos and try to complete the activities.  Could yo record a video of you talking in French?  Post it on my email or WhatsApp.  Tres bien, P3!


Task 3:


Day 29- be the best you can every day, P3

Morning, hope you are all well.  Here are you tasks for today.  Hope you enjoy them.

Task 1: Reading: watch the film of Miss Graham reading part 2 of the Twits.  Listen carefully and give me 5 words that you think are interesting.  Then, using those 5 words, write 5 sentences.  Make them the best sentences you have ever written.

Task 2: Numeracy. Multiplying and dividing by 3.  Notice how multiplying and dividing are related.

Task 3: HWB: design your healthy smoothie.  Think about the ingredients, draw your smoothie, then write down instructions on how you made your smoothie.  Send me some photos of your smoothie either by email or WhatsApp.






Day 28: Believe in a better world, P3.

Hello again, fancy meeting you here! Here are a few tasks for you to try out.

Task 1: history:  Today we are going to learn about Ghandi.  He was a huge influence in ensuring fairness for the people of India.  Perhaps some of you have seen on the news recently that inequality still exists across America and lots of people are fighting to ensure everyone is treated fairly.  Find out how Ghandi went about changing the world for the better.


Task 2: Literacy: give me 1 sentence to describe what is happening in these 5 photos from P3.

Photo 1:


Photo 2:

photo 3:


photo 4:

Photo 5:


Task 3: numeracy: try these sums, give yourself a challenge and try group C.


Day 27 – June? What? Already??

Good morning everyone, I hope you made the most of the fantastic weather we had over the weekend.  I honestly can’t believe that today is the 1st June.  May seemed to be such a quick month.  It’s the start of a new week so some more activities for you to try.

Task 1: Numeracy:  the 10 times table.  I know most of you will find the 10 times table easy but this is a revision of what  you already know.  There are 4 activities to try.


Task 2: Literacy:  News:  Tell me about Your news reporter over the past week or so.  Remember challenge yourself with interesting words and amazing adjectives.  Here is my news:

Last week I was out walking my family.  The sun was shining brightly and it was the perfect day for a visit to the woods.  However, my amazing day shattered when I heard a thump and a cry behind me.  I turned round to see that Sam had fallen over a rock and broke his arm!  He was in absolute agony.  I picked him and carried him back to the car.  I drove him straight to the hospital.  Sam was a bit scared but he was also very brave.  I think bravery is doing something even though you are scared.  The doctors and nurses were very kind and took Sam to get an X-ray.  Sam loved seeing his x-ray picture and the break in his arm.  He then got to choose the colour of his cast for his arm, he chose a really cool camouflage design.  When we got back home Owen gave him a big and asked “Are you ok, Sam?  I was worried about you.”  Sam showed Owen his cast and they both laughed.

Task 3:  Reading:  listen to Miss Graham reading the first part of Roald Dahl’s classic book “The Twits”.


Day 26 – Here comes the sun, P3

Good morning, hope you had a good nights rest, ready to enjoy the sunshine today.  Apparently t’s going to be the hottest day of the year today!  With that in mind, I thought we could do a bit of research.

Task 1: Science: using the internet see if you can answer these questions.

1. What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Scotland?

2. What is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth and which country was it?

3. What is the difference between the two temperatures?

4. What is the coldest temperature ever recorded In Scotland?

5. What is the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth and which country was it?

6. What is the difference between the two temperatures?


Task 2:  Numeracy:  Arrays.  Watch the films and practice your understanding of arrays.  Complete the activities given on Bitesize.  Challenge:  Can you find arrays in real life?  Take a photo and send it by email or WhatsApp.


Well done to Nurjenna for her drawings on the Secret Garden.


Great stuff from Meekal who worked hard on his drawing of the Secret Garden.


Day 25 – keep that sun shining, P3

Good morning P3, hope you had a lovely day yesterday.   Thankfully the weather is looking amazing for the next few days so get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

Today I’m going to do another YouTube Live reading at 2.30pm on the St Albert’s YouTube channel.  From last week, Rida requested “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” and Haadiya requested a story about cats so I have chosen the Fairy Tale of “Puss in Boots”.


Hope you can all make it.  Remember to post your comments during my reading, it’s great to read them all out!


Task 1:  watch this film made for the new P1’s who will be starting St Albert’s in August.  It’s great to see so many of the pupils in the film and reminds me of good times.  After watching the video, what advice would you give to a brand new P1?  Think about when you first started at school, how did you?  What scared you?  What made you feel excited?


Task 2:  Science:  Thinking back to yesterday’s film about the Secret Garden it was lovely to see so many tadpoles in the pond.  Hopefully in a few weeks they will have grown into frogs.  Have a look at this video on Life Cycles, pay particular attention to the frog part!

Task 3:  Science:  complete the attached frog life cycle sheet.  If you can’t print it off, try and draw then write about the life cycle.



Here’s a picture created by Wael from yesterday’s task.  He has drawn what he thinks the pond in the secret garden will look like in 3 weeks time.  It’ll be great to see if he’s right!


Day 24 – Every journey begins with the first step, P3

Good morning again, P3, I hope you are all well.  Today we’re going to have a focus on science and literacy.  I’ve made another film of my Secret Garden, it’s amazing how much it’s changed since the last time we looked at it.  There was a special surprise waiting in the pond, one which I didn’t expect but was great to see.  Watch the film and you’ll find out what it is.

Task 1:  Science and Literacy:  watch the film below, discuss what you see with someone else then give me 5 nouns that you saw in the film and 5 adjectives to describe those nouns.


Task 2: Science and Literacy: watch the first film from the Secret Garden again, compare and contrast the Secret Garden from then and now.  What is different?  How do you know?  Why did this happen?  Give me 5 things that have changed in the secret garden since this first film.


Task 3:  Science and Art:  Now give me 5 predictions on what you think the Secret Garden will look like in the next 3 weeks.  Draw a picture of what you think the Secret Garden will look like and send me a picture of it either by email or WhatsApp.

In your picture consider:

  • The A Frame
  • The Vege Patch (that I planted wildflowers in)
  • The raspberry bushes
  • The pond

Can’t wait to see your amazing pictures, P3 are always very creative!

Day 23 – Eid Mubarak P3


Good morning everyone, Eid Mubarak!  Hope you are all well and safe.  The weather wasn’t that great over the long weekend but it’s meant to be better this week.  For those of you celebrating Eid, I hope you had a fantastic time.  I’m sure it was very different from your usual, but one you’ll never forget.

Task 1: HWB, over the next few days choose one of these acts of kindness and see what the reaction is.  You could even ask family members to do the same.  Be Kind!


Task 2: RME: watch this video made by the staff at St Albert’s about Ramadan and Eid.  Whether or not you’re  celebrating Eid, discuss with family what was  going on in the film.  Who was doing what? Which ones do you remember? What are your thoughts on Mrs Harkers’ words?



Task 3: History, find out about this amazing woman, Rosa Parks.  We studied her last year in P3, her story is inspirational.





Continue reading Day 23 – Eid Mubarak P3

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