All posts by Mr Corrigan

Almost forgot, P3 Still Rock – Day 5

Bonjour, ca va?  Hope you’re all well.

Today I’ve uploaded a couple more videos on the St Albert’s Infants YouTube channel.  You can either just search for “St Albert’s Infants” on YouTube or follow the link below.

Today’s focus is on Health and Wellbeing.  As important as literacy and numeracy are, it’s more vital than ever that we take time to manage our own health.

My first video is about physical activity.  I’ve posted a video challenge for everyone to take part in my Dance Monkey Stair Challenge.


I’m also uploading a video on Guided Relaxation.  Mental health is really important in these uncertain times.  Never underestimate the power of spending just a few minutes each day relaxing by yourself.

In addition to my videos there’s a whole host of other videos posted by the other Infant teachers.  Feel free to nosey around and watch the videos that you’re interested in.

Today, and most days, Blairdrummond Safari Park will be streaming live videos of animals on Facebook.  Just search “Blairdrummond Safari” on Facebook.  It’s a great way to learn more about animals.

Finally, today I will be making phone calls to P3 families to make sure they have everything need.  I’ll be doing this weekly to keep in touch with everyone.

Stay safe, stay at home.

Wow, P3 are absolutely amazing!!! Day 4

Good morning everyone, hope this reaches you well.

As well as the usual activities involving your literacy (reading, creating your stories like Mrs Harker!) and numeracy (Sumdog), I have a couple of added fun activities.

Task 1 – You may know that some children are putting up rainbows in their house windows as a sign of hope and happiness.  Some are also putting up messages to remind people they are not alone and that it’s important we all stick to the rules.

I would like you to make your own rainbow using any resources you can find (including glitter, and everyone knows I don’t like glitter!!) and display it on your window so people can see.  You can also put up some messages each day to show passers-by that you’re not forgetting them.

I’ve put some examples to give you inspiration.  Can you think of words and phrases that are positive?  What would people like to see?  Can you use humour in your message?

When you have done that, take a photo and post it on social media.  There’s a great Twitter site called “I Love Pollokshields”. Put it on there and I bet it’ll get lots of likes!

I know you’ll be able to create some unique and powerful displays.


Task 2 – Can you be a news reporter?

Watch today’s Newsround and listen carefully to the questions being asked.

Now, you’re going to be the news reporter!

First of all, think of someone you would like to interview.  It could be someone in your house or could you interview someone over a WhatsApp video call??

Second, think of 5 questions you will ask them, make them interesting and challenge yourself!  Remember, the questions starters – Who, What, Why, Where, When, How

Finally, interview your chosen person.  It’s important to talk clearly and really listen to the person’s answers (just like we do in class).  Could you even ask them another question about their answers?

Try and interview 1 person everyday for the next week.  You have no idea how much it would mean to someone that you’ve taken time to think about them and ask them questions.

Good luck, and stay awesome P3!


Day 3

Hello, I hope you are all managing with the change in circumstances. It’s not easy being stuck in the house but together we can get through this with a smile on our faces!

Everyone should have a copy of their Sumdog login, it was stuck in the front cover of the homework jotters.  If you don’t have a copy of the login then the following info will get you logged in:
login: your child’s first name with a capital letter at the start                eg Andrew

password: your child’s last name with NO capital letters.                       eg. corrigan

School: st-alberts-primary-school

Sumdog has very kindly allowed us access to reading and spelling activities as well.  I’ll set weekly tasks to complete but feel free to use Sumdog daily.  It’s recommended not to use Sumdog for more than 20 mins each day.

I also added another story on YouTube today. Enjoy!


Continue reading Day 3

Day 2

We’ve set up a YouTube channel dedicated to St Albert’s. There will be different videos with activities to take part in.
If you have any issues just leave a comment.

The first video is another story from our Ancient Greece topic.  I’ve suggested a few activities that can be done alongside the reading.

Home Learning day 1

Good Morning Pupils and Parents!
Day 1 of no school so see below for a ‘could do’ list for today. We want you and your families to look after each other and think about staying safe first so don’t worry if you can’t do all of this today!
If you are learning at home, take videos and pictures of what you’ve done and post them on the blog or on Twitter for us all to see.  It’s really important that we all keep in touch beyond our homes and posting our thoughts and feelings can help.
Please leave comments, messages or questions on the blog so everyone can see.  I’ll try to post information as often as possible.  I truly hope you’re all well.
Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE
9:30-10:30: Literacy
P3 – In one of your jotters, draw a picture of yourself and your family and add speech bubbles to say how you are feeling today when there’s no school. Are you sad? Are you excited? Are you bored and not sure what to do? What do your parents think? Are they worried about how long the school will be closed for?

How to draw speech bubbles:

OR – In one of your jotters, write a diary entry about this weekend. What was strange? What was different than normal? How will this week be strange? Try to describe things and say how you are feeling about schools being closed and the coronavirus problem.
10:30-11:15: Break Time
It’s important that you have breaks and fresh air if you can. Social distancing means you can’t go and play with other people that you don’t live with but you can go outside with your family for a walk, a run in the park or a cycle ride. Don’t stay inside all day.
Have a healthy snack – a piece of fruit or some raisins?
11:15-12:15: Maths
The best way for you to keep practising the right maths for you is through SumDog:
Your log in is in your home learning pack. Please spend today getting online on SumDog and looking at all the lessons you can do there.
12:15-1pm: Lunch 
Have a healthy lunch and go outside again if you can! If not, maybe put on some music and have a lunchtime disco in the house to get your body moving again!
1-2pm: Expressive Art
Choose one (or more) of the following to have a go at – you can look at the videos or use Google Images to help you find examples to copy.
  • Search YouTube for a ‘how to draw…’ tutorial on something you want to try drawing – you can find almost ANYTHING! (Tip: write ‘easy’ or ‘for kids’ or ‘beginners’ as part of your search!)
  • Follow one of the online video to learn to make origami creatures:
2-2:30pm: Break Time
Go outside again if you can or have another disco…or you could do another Joe Wicks workout for kids? Stay Active!!
2:30-3pm: Story and chat
At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:
  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you
Here are today’s stories:
 George’s Marvellous Medicine Ch. 1, read by Mrs Pattie (P7 are just finishing a book but next week, we’ll start a harder one for P6 and P7) :

Week Beginning 24/02/20

It’s certainly been a very busy couple of weeks in P3.  Most definitely the highlight was the Whole School Assembly run by ourselves.  It took a lot of hard work, patience and a huge amount of talent to put together our show on Ancient Greek Myths.  Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words to the children.  There is huge value on using drama and the arts to communicate and express yourself.  Plus it always helps when there’s a laugh or two involved as well!


In numeracy we have been focussing on “Division” and its relationship with multiplication.  Using a variety of resources we looked at how to share equally when dividing by 2 and 4.

It was World Book Day on Thursday and throughout the week Mr Brown organised loads of activities to do with our love of books.  We celebrated with our very own love heart photo on the MUGA to show off our WBD t-shirts.  Some of the designs were AMAZING!

Week Beginning 17/02/20

In Numeracy this week we had a focus on the links between the 2 times and 4 times table.  Using a wide variety of materials we worked out how to group amounts depending on the times table we were using.

We used cubes and arrays to work out problems in the 2 times table.

We then progressed to the 4 times table, which we found out is just double the 2 times table!  It was great fun using the bean bags, shuttles, wooden blocks, Connect 4 counters and big Lego blocks.



During our PE Fitness session we really pushed ourselves to make sure we continue to get fitter, stronger and healthier.  All the activities we practice in the gym hall can be done at home.  Why don’t you challenge the whole family to see who is the fittest??


A couple of reminders for all our parents and carers.  There is a new Homework diary being sent home this week.  Please use this to record the reading each evening and use it to communicate with the class teacher, Mr Corrigan.

Secondly, this Thursday (27th Feb) at 2.15pm is the P3 Assembly.  It would be great to see a good turnout so please come along and support your child as they perform in a drama based on Ancient Greek Myths!  We can promise it will be educational and fun.

WB 12/02/20

It’s been a mixed up couple of weeks with the February holiday but that hasn’t stopped P3. We are delighted to welcome Mr. Brown, a student teacher who will be with us until the middle of March.

As part of our literacy development for term 3 we are focussing on ‘character’. We worked in writing partners to discuss our ideas about how we would describe a toy character.  The partners gave their characters names, described what they looked like and used their imaginative skills to create how their character would talk and what its personality would be like.  It was amazing to see all the unique character developments and even how the characters might interact with each!

We have begun our preparations for P3’s whole school assembly in a couple of weeks.  The theme will be to show, in a fun and creative way, what we have been learning about through our Greek Myths topic.  Watch this space.

Week Beginning 27/01/20

This week P3 celebrated the start of the Chinese New Year through lots of activities including Guided Reading where we found out about how the festival is celebrated and that 2020 is the Year of Rat.  We made our own decorative Chinese Lanterns that are traditionally used to warn off any bad spirits!  Some of the lanterns had red on them because it’s regarded as a lucky colour.

We also used our problem solving skills to crack a Chinese Number code!

In our topic work this week we looked at the science behind how Icarus managed to fly.  We combined our investigative and creativity skills to design and build paper planes.  We found out that thrust, drag, lift and gravity all have an effect on how well our planes flew.  In the case of Icarus, we decided that gravity was the strongest force!


In writing we worked in small groups to look at and talk about different characters from Greek Mythology.  Some of them were quite scary!  Ask your children how many of the characters they can remember and what words they used to describe them.