Week Beginning 16/09/19

Welcome back to another update of the exciting learning that has been going on in P3.

This week we continued to construct the sustainable Obstacle Course in the Sensory Garden.

We assessed the risks to make sure the P1s or Class 1 would find it challenging yet safe.  This is a vital part of any outdoor activity and will help with ensuring we are safe whatever we do in the future.

Adil used the bungee cords and tarp to build a den, in case it started to rain!

Also this week, we were lucky enough to have a taster session from a judo coach.  He made us do fun, and sometimes crazy, things.  It is important we get these opportunities to experience sports and activities that are available to us in school and out in the community.

During art we worked together in groups.  We used Pixel Art (small squares, just like emojis) to design a simple piece that would be chosen in our groups then made into a much larger piece to be displayed on the windows in the classroom.

We used Post-It Notes as they were the same square shape as our Pixel Art pieces.  It was a challenge to work together to produce an accurate replication of our plans but the end result was absolutely brilliant!


The Earth from Space


Under the Sea: Fish and Coral


Scary Things: A Halloween Pumpkin


Scary Things:  A Ghost

This week will no doubt be just as busy.  There will be a whole school visit to Edinburgh Zoo on Thursday.  Can’t wait!!

Please remember the school will be closed for the September Weekend on Friday 27th and Monday 30th.






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