Week beginning 02/09/19

This week in P3 we have

been learning about a wide variety of subjects.  There have been many memorable moments but I think the highlight was meeting the parents and family members who came to “Meet the Teacher” on Thursday.  As I mentioned at the meeting it‘s vitally important that parents play a positive in role in supporting their child’s education.

In numeracy we have been learning about measurement and number patterns.

Working in small groups, we used our estimation skills to try and find objects that were about 100cm long.

Ishal said “We were measuring inside and outside.  We had to use a metre stick accurately.”

Manha said “We have been learning that cm means centimetres.”

We also had fun on Tuesday during a problem solving solving activity.

Using different resources, each group had to plan then build a Spider’s Web in preparation for our Sensory Garden redevelopment.

As a class, we then had to decide whether string, rope, or bungee cords were best suited.


Here’s what some of the P3 pupils thought about our other activities during the week.

Issa said: “We were learning about graffiti art.  We used bright colours and shapes to write our name.”

Lily said: “Our parents visited and we taught them how to do graffiti.”

Hirrah said: “We have learning how to count in 5s from any number.  Mr Corrigan said we had to challenge ourselves!”

Adil said: “The dancing we did on Wednesday with Kate made me feel happy.”

And finally, a treat from some of the extraordinarily talented girls in P3 during Friday’s Talent Show….








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