Home School Day 1 – message from Miss Hewitt

Hi Class 2

It is weird being in school today knowing I will not see you all later. Missing you all lots already! Recorded you a wee message with another learning task to keep you busy at home 🙂

Here is a news link about the rainbows that people are making which you can read with an adult to give you some ideas – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-51988671

Miss Hewitt



Note to parents – Please don’t feel pressured to complete all the learning tasks set on the blog (or that were sent home in the pack), these are just to give you some different ideas to help keep your children learning and entertained.


P.E learning tasks for the week ahead

Hi Class 2!

In addition to the links for yoga and meditation in your learning packs I wanted to share this activity with you.

Here is a link for Joe Wicks who is going to be running FREE online PE lessons for out of school kids on his You Tube channel. His live classes will be on at 9am very weekday. A great active way to start your school day this coming week 🙂


Any physical activity you do to keep your body and mind active is great, it doesn’t have to be this.

Post any photos or videos of you doing these lessons, or any other P.E, in the comments or tweet them to @StAlbertsG41

Learning websites

A lot of maths learning can be done digitally if you have access to computers. Here is a list of websites/games that we use in class that your children are used to –

Sumdog – your child already has login details for this website with lots of different maths games.


In case you have lost the details here they are again –

Aiyub – AB723212    Password  – storm93

Bilal – BS406858   Password – stone89

Hector – HM340878    Password – house41

Huzaifa – HN340879   Password – grass29

Ivo – IC310374   Password – storm25

Kayden – KB484000   Password – paper62

Kit – KD483999   Password – plant34

Mariam – MR574750   Password – plant55

Subhan – SG511657   Password – sleep54

Thousand square that your child can use to do various counting games we do in school  –


Maths magician quick mental addition game –


Maths magician quick mental subtraction game –


Mental maths train to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing at various different levels –


Hit the button to practice a variety of sums at speed –


Coconut multiples to practice counting in 2s, 5s etc –


Balloon pop ordering numbers –


Basketball place value


Stop the clock for matching analogue and digital times –



These websites are not just for maths but have great learning activities in them –

Doorway Online – lots of sounds and spelling work as well as some maths activities

Doorway Speller

ICT games – various maths and literacy games to practice phonics spelling, reading etc


BBC Bitesize – great videos on educational topics such as science, history and geography


Top Marks – this has loads of maths games some of which I’ve linked above but have an explore and find some more you like!


Floyd Danger Adventure – a website we have been using to practice complete sentences




Home learning packs explained

As you will be aware the schools close to pupils today. For the 2 weeks between now and the Easter holidays the children have been issued with a pack of work and various activities to keep them busy.

Children who are at school today will take their packs home with them and those who are currently absent can arrange for these packs to be collected from school (as long as you’re not self isolating) or delivered next week.

I will explain what is in the pack here and in another post links to a variety of learning websites we use in class that the children are used to and can work on independently to allow you mums and dads some time to yourself 🙂

  • Home learning activities sheet – you can pick and choose from these as appropriate. I will award a point for the person who completes the most between now and Easter (photographic evidence required!)

Health and wellbeing tasks –

  • a wellbeing tracker grid to monitor exercise, sleep, healthy eating etc
  • Yoga and meditation activities (an online links page and a sheet that can be used if you do not have access to videos online)
  • some mindful colouring sheets (good for quiet time)

Literacy tasks –

  • short texts with reading comprehension questions (we are currently unable to send home reading books)
  • handwriting practice worksheets (make sure to follow the direction of the letter)
  • a phonics spelling booklet looking at the different long vowel sounds
  • a jotter for keeping your out of school diary (task on the home learning sheet)

Maths tasks-

  • various worksheets practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as appropriate
  • you already have sumdog login details but I will share these again
  • various maths games (links to follow)
  • some children who attend maths in other classes will have other activities and should keep a check on their mainstream class blog for any additional tasks

Please share comments, photos and videos of your learning on the blog. This will be a nice way for the children to keep in touch with their friends.

If you are unsure about anything please just ask! My email is gw14hewittlaura@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Our learning this week 20.3.20

This week has been very different to normal but that hasn’t stopped Class 2 from learning lots while having some fun in the sun (and rain)!

We have missed our friends who have not been at school with us. Hope you are ok and enjoy looking at what your friends have been up to 🙂


Learning about the concept of division by sharing and grouping items and later in the week learning about the relationship between divide and multiply with picture sums

Revising nouns, verbs and adjectives and then taking notes on what our senses could find outside. We used lots of adjectives in our senses writing back in class.

Trip to Maxwell Park – some adjectives tennis, sprinting races, finding flowers (mini daffodils, crocuses and regular daffodils!), investigating the flooded pond and dusk within

We worked on a special project this week creating cards to send to the local care home residents who are probably feeling lonely due to being unable to have visitors. I’m certain these gorgeous cards will cheer them up 🙂

Doing some tables counting using our tennis skills outside while it is sunny!

We continued with our slavery topic this week reading Sweet Clara and the freedom quilt and then designed squares ourselves for our own freedom quilt recycling old fabric. Subhan chose to make his quilt square with the lightning bolt from Harry Potter when we learned about the character Dobby as a slave

Celebrating odd socks day a day early in school!

Aiyub has been having a fantastic time on his P7 residential trip this week. Here are just a few photos of some of the amazing things he got up to!




**Some changes this week**

There will be no paper home school diary this week as the school is limiting paper that travels back and forth between homes and school.

I am happy to send you a daily email with the information I normally put in the diary. If you would like me to do this please email me requesting this so I have your email address.

My email address is – gw14hewittlaura@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

The children’s homework pouch is being kept in school just now and no paper books or homework jotters will be coming home this week for the same reason.

The children have their spelling words on a scrap piece of paper so they can learn them this week ready for their test on Friday and this paper should be kept at home.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. You can comment on this blog post or email me.

Take care.

Miss Hewitt



Social stories about Coronavirus

Please find attached 2 images of social stories which we have been over in class but may be useful for you to reinforce at home with your child.

They may help explain why things are different just now and prepare the children for if there are any school closures in the future.

Here is a more general story about the virus for children –



Our learning 13.3.20

Here is some of what we have been learning this week –

  • increasing our speed with mental addition and subtraction
  • introducing the concept division through sharing objects
  • discussing the types of words we have  -verbs, nouns and adjectives
  • identifying nouns in the school
  • choosing adjectives to describe given nouns
  • alternative spellings for the ee phonic
  • discussing new feelings greedy, selfish and generous in PATHS
  • writing e and E correctly
  • reading stories about Harriet Tubman and the Underground railroad and discussing these real life events in history
  • working with scaling our feelings or actions
  • continuing discussing and identifying non fiction features in text
  • working on serving in tennis
  • listening to and appraising different gospel music

Our writing focus this week

The problem we were given to discuss strategies to work out before being introduced to the concept of division

Some of the alternative ee words we generated

PATHS feelings summary at the end of the lesson

The different gospel songs we have appraised and identified their similarities


On Friday Mariam went on her first visit to her new Secondary school to attend a science event. Here are a few photos of her exciting activities!

On Friday afternoon we celebrated Ivo’s birthday and the children were delighted with their party bags that Ivo’s mum had sent in for them to enjoy! Thank you Liana 🙂

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Class assembly, World Book Day, Ladies lunch and lots of work in-between!

This week we spent a lot of time perfecting our performance for the class assembly on Thursday and all the hard work paid off! The children were fabulous. Thank you so much to the parents who made it along to see the performance, it means a lot to the children.

Mariam has been working on preparing for the ladies lunch which took place on Friday to celebrate International Women’s Day. She attended the event and enjoyed a delicious lunch, took part in games of bingo, answered questions about women in the quiz and did some dancing along with just generally helping out. Well done Mariam! 🙂

Venus won the house points competition and received their pancake afternoon award on Tuesday. Hector Mariam and Subhan seemed happy with the treat!

Literacy work this week continued with non-fiction reading skills and investigating question words and building questions of our own.

Maths work included multiplying 2 digit numbers and looking at different strategies to do this using concrete materials or mentally.

We had great fun in our Health and Wellbeing lesson on Friday conducting an experiment about sneezing. Turns out sneezes and the germs they expel can travel very far!

Another busy week in Class 2!




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