Home School Day 10

Good morning Class 2 πŸ™‚

You have made it to the Easter Holidays! Don’t relax just yet though, as there is one last day of home school in Term 3Β  for you to do some more fabulous learning! Today is also your last chance this term to win points πŸ™‚

I have given you an activity for Autism Awareness Week to try today. You are all great at art so you don’t have to do the same as me if you have your own idea you’d like to try then you can create your own piece of Autism Awareness art.

The jigsaw pieces or the ribbon are good starting ideas and this explains what each means. We have discussed the jigsaw pieces before in class and know that even though we are all different we all fit together perfectly to make the BEST team that is Class 2Β  β™₯β™₯β™₯

Here is your last video message of Term 3 πŸ™‚


As always, I can’t wait to get all your photos of what you are learning today and I’m especially looking forward to some of you sending me your videos of you singing a song you’ve been learning the words to πŸ™‚

Day 9 work

World Autism Awareness Day

Today is World Autism Awareness Day and this week is World Autism Awareness Week, so some of you were wearing blue for the occasion! I forgot my blue outfit this morning (oops!) but changed this afternoon! Here are photos of some of us looking blue πŸ™‚

Phone calls and points

Great to speak to the rest of you today. After a terrible day yesterday not remembering any photos (I’m old and forgetful and most importantly, too excited to speak to you, you need to remind me!) today I got some with help from Kit and Hector πŸ™‚

So Kit, Hector, Subhan and Kayden you got your point today for chatting to Miss Hewitt. This point was exciting for Hector as this means he now has 10 points!!!!

Well done, Hector! πŸ™‚

Your work

Here are Aiyub’s photos from yesterday which were too late to make it onto the blog post Day 8 work – he chose another activity from the grid to made a den in his bedroom and also did some more phonics spelling work. Today he worked on yesterday’s challenge of tidying his room, it looks great in the video well done!

Mariam sent some photos of drawings she has been making, copying them from YouTube cool kids. Aren’t they excellent? She was doing maths on Sumdog today and also did the scavenger hunt challenge spelling her name, I have given you a point πŸ™‚ Here are some pictures of some of Mariam’s objects but the video (coming tomorrow) is fab!

Another very busy day for Subhan, well done for working so hard! he has been doing some more work of his own on verbs which I’m very impressed with, as well as learning some new times tables, filling in his wellness tracker and doing some phonics spelling – amazing! He also did the bear challenge from this morning creating a fab photo πŸ™‚


Hector Β was working on his 3 and 4 times tables worksheets today and got them all correct, well done! He also practiced some handwriting for the letter c.


Kit was reading a new story today for his comprehension work, he completed his tricky 7, 8, and 9 x tables work and did some more SumdogΒ  for maths and also watched an interestingΒ documentaryΒ with Freddie for his Geography lesson.


As you know I love to receive videos from you as they are even better than photos because I can see you moving around and talking just like I would in class and it helps me miss you a little lessΒ β™₯

I am making a video of all your videos from this week (it is fabulous so far!) that I will post tomorrow when I have some of the great singing videos I know are coming then! πŸ™‚

A Friday treat to look forward to!

Home School Day 9

Good morning! Here is your morning message –


Here is a news article about the bears you can hunt for if you’re outside for your daily exercise. Have a read of
this with an adult or by yourself if you can.


Here is Miss Hewitt’s bear and rainbow window –

New Harry Potter website

I found a very cool thing last night – a new Harry Potter website! JK Rowling has set up a Harry Potter at home website to give people something to do while we are all staying safe at home.


I know lots of you love Harry Potter so thought I would share this website with you as it has lots of great things to read and games to play.

I was nervous getting sorted by the Sorting Hat but got the yellow house Hufflepuff so was happy with that!

Here are some photos of what things I was given so if you join and get a wizarding passport you can let me know what house, wand and patronus you get πŸ™‚

Day 8 work

Your work

Well done to Ivo who did the scavenger hunt yesterday making his name with different objects, you got a point too! I like that you wrote down the names of the things you found, you are always great at the starting sounds when we spell in school, well done!



Hector sent me this amazing book he made (click the blue link above) along with his sister Halina, for the task of researching slavery from a period of time in history and presenting his findings. What a fabulous piece of work, well done! He has also been checking on his seedlings and doing maths on Sumdog.


Subhan was working hard today, well done! He completed the tidying task after watching my video this morning and wrote about it in his diary, completed his comprehension about a leprechaun , did some handwriting for the letter c and completed his wellness diary.


Kit has also been doing maths on Sumdog and went for a nice long scoot with his mum to the park, getting his daily exercise and having a chat about feelings during this very unusual time we are in. It is so important to be talking about feeling just now and is exactly what the PATHS calendar encourages, well done!


I gave out points to the people I spoke to today and a late point for Ivo for the scavenger hunt challenge from yesterday.

I have also added some more points to my list today to be given out on Friday before the holidays for excellent work on different things.

Keep sending me your photos of work and videos of you as this is what I use to decide who is going to get points πŸ™‚

Home School Day 8

Good morning! A brand new month starts today β™₯

This lovely PATHS calendar gives you something to do for every day of April to help your social and emotional well-being, which is especially important just now.

So give some of these activities a go especially if you are having a hard day. There are a lot of things here that we would normally do in Class 2 that I know you’re absolutely great at, as you’re such kind and caring children πŸ™‚

I have of course recorded another video message for you this morning and I’m in a different room in my house today… πŸ™‚

As today is normally swimming or Linn Park where we get a lot of exercise I wanted to post another exercise task for you. I saw this and though it would be great because lots of you normally attend the Determined to Dance lunchtime club on Wednesdays.

Oti has a YouTube channel which streams these classes each day at 11.30 am (Perfect time match for Linn Park!). I re-watched Monday’s lesson and very much enjoyed the Disney theme and had a go joining in!

Here is the link if you want to try today and you can also see all the other routines she has done, if you’d prefer a different theme –


Remember to send me photos and videos of whatever you get up to today πŸ™‚


Day 7 work

Scavenger hunt

Thank you to all of you who took part in today’s challenge! Here are the photos/video of everyone’s name, they are fabulous! I was so impressed πŸ™‚Β Points for all the entrants as promised – Subhan, Kayden, Hector and Kit. These points mean we have our second winner of 10 points…..!

Well done, Kit! πŸ™‚

Can you name all the objects your friends chose to spell their names? I needed a bit of help with some of them! The answers are at the bottom of the blog post along with the name of the winner of the extra point.

Β Β Subhan

Kayden’s videoΒ 


Kit Duncan


Remember to log into Sumdog to play some gamesΒ  to practice your maths skills. Not much activity yet this week and remember there’s points up for grabs πŸ™‚

I set a challenge today for you to revise your skills at the level you are working at. It runs until 3pm on Friday. (Well done to Kit who was on today and is already part way through the challenge!)

Phone calls

I started phoning some of you again today and will be phoning more of you tomorrow and Thursday. Points were given to the 3 people I spoke to today and the rest of your points are coming when I chat to you later this week.Β Lovely to see you and chat with youΒ β™₯

Bilal you were my first call and I was so excited speaking to you I forgot the photo again Β πŸ™ Maybe I’ll give you a quick phone again at the end of the week to get one!

Aiyub and Mariam we remembered, here are our screenshot selfies! πŸ™‚

Your fabulous work today

Thank you for sending photos of your other learning today, as always this made me very happy πŸ™‚

Ivo has been working very hard on his multiplying at home, well done! He has also been doing some handwriting of the letter a.


Subahn was working on adding HTU and remembered to show any units or tens he had to carry, well done! He also did some phonics and completed his wellness diary.

First photos of Huzaifa’s work this week so a point for you, well done! He has been busy doing some 2 digit multiplication which is very tricky and also finding nouns, verbs and adjectives in a book.

First photos of Mariam working too today, well done, I have also given you your point! Mariam was practicingΒ some times tables and doing her phonicsΒ spelling work.


Hector started doing some of his Harriet Tubman comprehension and worked on some tasks from the home learning grid including finding some nouns, verbs and adjectives in a book and cooking a recipe (making a most delicious looking massive cookie!), great job! He is also doing some seed planting with his family, a great project for just now while there is lots of time at home to look after them, well done! For his daily exercise Hector went on a google safari!Β 

Aiyub wanted to show you in more detail today the character in his character profile. He is called Shakes and I heard lots about him in our phone call today πŸ™‚ He also did some phonics and some of his Qumon homework. Aiyub never found items beginning with the letters of his name but did a scavenger hunt to build the letters of his name, a very cool idea so I have given you a point as well!

Kit completed his comprehension work on ‘A Monster surprise’ today and worked on his maths on Sumdog, well done! He also sent a photo of him doing a Disney jigsaw last night, such a n excellent relaxing hobby.Β 

Scavenger hunt answers & extra point

Subhan – Sharpener, Umbrella, Bottle, Hairbrush, Apple, Notepad

Hector – Hippo & H cushion, Elmer and E letter, Cookie & crab, Teapot, Orange, Raccoon & rope

Kayden – answers in the video narrated by Kayden’s mum

KitΒ  – Knuckle, Ice, TeethΒ  Β  Β  Dice, Umbrella, Nest, Can, Apple, Nose

Very tough decision as always when I have to pick a winner for things,Β  as the class is so excellent but I have chosen……. Kit! He was the only one to do both first name and surname and was very creative in using his body parts in his picture too πŸ™‚ Well done, Kit!

Points chart

So here is the points chart at the end of Tuesday. Remember there are lots of points I’m noting down for great work I receive that I will give out again on Friday! Keep working hard πŸ™‚

Home School Day 7

Good morning Class 2Β β™₯

I have set you a new challenge today and their are some points up for grabs! Have a look at today’s video message to find out more πŸ™‚

Had a bit of a video disaster this morning (that’s why your video is a bit later!) but I worked around it!


My scavenger hunt items

Remember a point for everyone who does this challenge and sends a photo and then I will give an extra point to the best entry! πŸ™‚

Belated work entry from yesterday

Aiyub sent some photos of his work later on last night so has also been given a point, well done! He started working on a character profile, wrote his diary of weekend news and did some more phonics spelling.

Day 6 work


Thank you for sending me more photos of your learning today, it always makes me smile to see you and what you have been up to πŸ™‚

Again this week I am giving out a point if you send me photos of your learning. Already this week Ivo, Subhan, Kit and Hector have earned this point, well done boys!

Very exciting news for Subhan, as his point for sending photos of his work this week means he is the first person to get 10 points!!!

Β Congratulations Subhan πŸ™‚

Subhan will get first pick from the prize box when we go back to school πŸ™‚

Here is the chart at the end of Monday (remember I will be giving out lots of points throughout the week for different work you complete)Β  –


Birthday photos

Kayden’s mum sent me a photo of his delicious birthday cake at the weekend and here was the birthday boy enjoyingΒ a slice yesterday!

Your work today

Ivo was very busy baking pancakes this morning (this is one of the learning tasks on your home learning grid – to cook one of your favourite recipes) and added some yummy Nutella. Don’t they look delicious?! He was also building with his Lego for play time. You look like you’re having lots of fun Ivo, well done!


Subhan has been doing loads of writing work today, well done! He wrote his diary telling me his news, found some verbs, adjectives and nouns in a book (one of the learning tasks on your grid) and practiced writing the letter Β b and B. He also completed his week 1 wellness tracker, great job!


Received my first photos from Mariam this week – these lovely photos of her with her little sister. I spied a Disney quote on your pjs which I love πŸ™‚ Thanks for sending photos Mariam, I have given you a point!


Hector has had a very busy day! He was doing some yoga, adding HTU, built a Lego house, learned about farming turmericΒ and cucumbers and wrote some sentencesΒ about what he learned and did some more geographyΒ playing where in the world. Well done Hector, I particularly liked your sentences you wrote to record your learning πŸ™‚Β He also sent a photo of some very cool science he did at the weekend testing the flammabilityΒ of liquids.


Kit did his reading this morning followed by some more multiplying and then wrote his news this afternoon in his home school diary. Well done following your normal daily timetable again, Kit! He also completed his wellness tracker for last week and sent some photos of 2 very sunny bike rides to the park one on Saturday and one on Sunday πŸ™‚Β 

Home School Day 6

Welcome to week 2 of home school! It is also our last week of school before our 2 week Easter holiday πŸ™‚

Here is your day 6 home school video –


We love music in Class 2 so today I have gone over the task on your home learning grid that is having a go at leaning the words to a song that you like or try writing your own.

I made a little video with a few example songs for you. You can just learn part of the song and the song doesn’t have to be in English. You may spot a familiar Gaelic song those of you who were in my class last year πŸ™‚


Looking forward to receiving your photos and videos today, I have missed them over the weekend!

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