PATHS lesson

Today, Hazel from PATHS came in to deliver a lesson all about our feelings. She spoke to us about how are feelings can look on the outside and the inside. It was really interesting. She then asked us to draw a picture of ourselves and to think about how we look when we are angry. Here are some of our pictures:

Class assembly

Last week we performed our class assembly in front of the whole school as well as several parents – it was great! It was all about what we have been learning recently, which is all about the Highland Clearances, which took place in Scotland during the 1700s and 1800s. Here are some pictures of us performing.


Class assembly preparation

Over the last couple of weeks we have been preparing for our class assembly, all about the Highland Clearances.

These took place in the Scottish Highlands in the 1700s and 1800s, and forced many people to leave their homes in the Scottish Highlands for the cities or further afield, such as across the Atlantic Ocean to America or Canada.

We have been reading Kathleen Fidler’s novel, ‘The Desperate Journey’, which tells the story of the Murray family and their move to the city of Glasgow before they go on to start a new life in Canada.

Image result for the desperate journey

We have been learning some Scottish songs that are about this period of history and we have been learning our script too – we can’t wait to show our work to our parents.

Primary 5 update

We have had a busy time of it over the last few weeks.

We were very excited to be given the opportunity to see ‘War Horse’ at the Armadillo in Glasgow. This was a great production by the National Theatre where the horses were puppets led by different puppet master – it was amazing!

Image result for war horse