Homework Week Beginning 5th November 2018

Hello Primary Four,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and had a great time if you were out for Halloween!

Below is this week’s homework.   Literacy and Numeracy tasks should be handed in on Friday 9th November.  The Egyptians IDL task is due Friday 16th November.


Bug Club: log onto your bug club accounts and read your reading book.  Make sure to complete the tasks and answer the questions!

Handwriting : You have been sent home this week’s letter formation sheets to practise.  This week it’s the letters e and f.  Try to make sure that you are using the correct formation of all your letters every time you are writing.

Spelling: practise these spelling words using the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write’ method.  So, look at the word, say the word, cover it up and write it, trying to spell correctly.



  1. Write the number that comes:

a) 10 after 25

b) 100 after 450

c) 30 after 140

d) 200 after 500

2. Write the number that comes:

a) 10 before 90

b) 50 before 160

c) 100 before 300

d) 300 before 800

3. put these numbers in order starting with the smallest:

a)  629, 667, 645.

b) 341, 322, 379, 318.

c) 927, 901, 944, 989.

4. Read these numbers out loud then write them in digits, for example:

One thousand, eight hundred and forty two = 1842.

a) six thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine.

b) five thousand, two hundred and forty.

c) three thousand, nine hundred and four.

5. what does the number 9 stand for in these numbers?

For example 4901, the 9 stands for 900

a) 390

b) 912

c) 459

d) 9817

6. Draw a picture of this word problem, then find the answer:

There are five groups in our class.  At each group Ms Newall places eight pens.  How many pens did she place altogether?

7, Can you make up a word problem to go with this calculation?

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25


As you know, this term’s topic is about the ancient Egyptians.   You have a research worksheet home with you about modern Egypt.  You can find out answers to these questions from books in your local library or by searching on the internet.  Please note, this research is due on November 16th, so you have TWO weeks to complete it.


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