February in P4

Hello world,

Sorry we’ve not posted in a wee while. We’ve had a great month in P4.  Every Wednesday we’ve had amazing lessons with Ben the Storyteller. Ben’s been telling us traditional tales from Scotland and exploring stories and characters linked to the River Clyde.  Using clay we  created our own mythical Scottish creatures.  Through drama we have  recreated scenes from the Highland Clearances and then explored  life on the shipyards of Glasgow.  In the coming weeks we’re excited to write our own stories.  Here are some photos of our freeze frames in drama:





In maths we’ve been working really hard to learn multiplication and division.  We are all getting very confident at multiplying by 10 and 100, and we’re nearly as good at dividing by 10 and 100.   Ms Newall has challenged us to know all our times tables before Easter, and for every times table we can recite we are earning dojo points for our hard work! This week we made the most of the good weather by doing our maths outside.  We had to work out how many children we’d need in each group if we made 6 equal groups (30 divided by 6), and what happens if you take a line of 5 children and make it 6 times bigger (magically your whole class is lined  up!)


In literacy we’ve been celebrating the Glasgow Film festival by working on our film literacy.  Last week we explored some ‘before watching strategies’ for the short film ‘Mouse for Sale’.  We asked questions about the film and made predictions about what the film could be about, using our prior knowledge.  We then wrote settings descriptions from a scene in the film.  This week we have learned more about ‘during watching’ strategies. We focused on exploring the characters in the film.  We made a list of things we could describe about a character: looks, personality, interests, actions, wants, thoughts, feelings, skills.  Then we worked with a partner to describe each of these for some of the characters in the film.  Here’s an example:

As a final challenge we tried to come up with similes to describe the characters:

“The mouses’s ears are as large as an elephant’s ears”. Ibrahim Akram

“The boy’s hat is as black as a bat” Adam

”The mouse’s nose is like Pinochio’s nose.” Haiqa

”The boys are as unkind as harsh lightning.” “The boy’s hair is as dark as a gray day.” Iqra

”The mouse is as cute as a kitten.” Laiba

“The mouse is like a blue feather”.  Dirko.

”The mouse’s ears are like an elf.” Rahib

“The mouse is as blue as the sky” Yousaf

”The mouse’s ears are as big as an elephant’s ears” Fatima Javed and John.

”The mouse’s fur is as blue as the ocean.  He is as fat as a blueberry.” Inaaya

“His eyebrows are as yellow as a banana.” Mohamed

“The boy’s personality is as dark as black.” Ava