Homework Wk Beginning 8th October

Hello Primary Four,

This week is a shorter week as our October break starts on Friday!  Please hand your homework in on Thursday 11th October.


Bug Club: log onto your bug club accounts and read your reading book.  Make sure to complete the tasks and answer the questions!

Spelling: practise these spelling words using the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write’ method.  So, look at the word, say the word, cover it up and write it, trying to spell correctly.  Check it’s correct before moving on to the next word.

  1. high
  2. every
  3. near
  4. between
  5. own
  6. country
  7. school
  8. father
  9. never
  10. city


1.  If today is Friday, what day will it be in four days?

2. I have planted a little bean stalk.  On Monday it was 7cm tall.  It has grown by 12cm.  How tall is it now?

3. I have four plates on my dinner table.  On each plate there are 8 chips.  How many chips are there altogether?

4. It is 5.10pm.  What time will it be in 15 minutes?

5.  What number is ten less than 68?

6. What number is ten less than 32?

7. What number is ten less  than 81?

8.  There are 30 children in Primary Four.  If I give each child two pencils, how many pencils will I need for the whole class?

9. I am reading a book that is 40 pages long.  I am on page 25.  How many pages do I have left?

10. Partition these numbers into hundreds, tens and units.  For example: 673 = 600 + 70 + 3

a) 459

b) 381

c) 290


Symmetry in the Outdoors

Nature is full of symmetry!  What better way to use the outdoors than to create symmetrical art using outdoor materials?  Primary Four have created fantastic symmetrical ‘stick insects’ and some other, gorgeous symmetrical creations.  Have a look at their wonderful work:

Layth tried to arrange fir cones to make a tight symmetrical pattern inside his stick triangle.

Malaika’s cute little stick man!

Hafsah noticed that the first letter of her name has one line of symmetry!

Yousaf and Ahmed were very resourceful, using a stem as string to bend their branch into a face shape with one line of symmetry.

A symmetrical body and a symmetrical face with berry eyes and beechnut cheeks!

Musab and Ibrahim worked together to get sticks of equal length to make their insect symmetrical – matching on both sides.

Anum and Maisa’s adorable little stick insects with fir cone bodies!  They were careful to set the cones at the correct angle to make them symmetrical.

Sumiyah created a beautiful frame for her symmetrical stick man.

Dirko’s little stick man has a very long body!

Having made a few different symmetrical stick pictures, these two decided to use counting sticks to create a picture with 2 lines of symmetry.


Omar moved onto trying to create a symmetrical insect that stood upright!


Prepositions and Outdoor Learning in Primary Four


It’s Outdoor Learning Week!  We’ve had a brilliant time taking our learning outdoors all week and, luckily, the weather has been kind to us (so far…).  The focus for our writing this term is setting description, which works really well for outdoor literacy work.  When we describe a setting, we often use prepositions.  As any primary four should now be able to tell you, prepositions are words that tell us where things are in relation to each other.  For example, a boy sat under a tree.  Primary four went out to our lovely playground with iPads to photograph each other acting out prepositions.  They had to show: beside, under, in, above, next to, behind, around, near to, far from, on and over.  Here is their work:

Hamza is standing in front of the tree.

Eesa is next to  the stump.

Hamza is on the stump!

Eesa is inside the outdoor classroom.

Hamza is behind the bin.

The stumps are in front of the railings and under the trees.

MIss Rachman is far from Mohamed.

Yousaf is on  the table.

Ms Newall is around Fatima.


Anum is in front of Fatima.


Layth is in the tyre.

Layth is on the stump.



John is under the bushes.



Omar’s bottle is over the bin…


Sumiyah is far from John.

Iqra is behind Sumiyah!

Iqra is near to the camera and far from the school!

Rahib is in front of the shed.




John is over the tyres.


Inaaya is in the bushes.



Malaika is behind the tree.

Malaika is next to Ava.

Ava is under the table, and Mrs Harker is above her!

Ava is inside the tyre.




Homework Wk beginning 1st October

Hello, Primary Four!

A reminder that our P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday, so you should have your P.E. clothes and shoes with you to change into on those days.  

Here’s this week’s homework, well done everyone who completed their homework last week.  Thank you again to everyone who is saving paper by using the blog.  All the tasks can  be written up in your homework jotters, except for the Bug Club reading work and our maths worksheet for this week.


Bug Club: log onto your bug club accounts and read your reading book.  Make sure to complete the tasks and answer the questions!

Spelling: practise spelling these common words.   Write a five sentence story, that uses as many of these common words as possible.

  1. try
  2. kind
  3. animal
  4. house
  5. page
  6. mother
  7. house
  8. change
  9. letter
  10. answer


This week we will be learning about symmetry.  You have a symmetry worksheet home with you to complete.  You should draw the other half of the picture to make it symmetrical.  You can use a mirror to help you!  Start with the lolly picture, and then try the shell for a challenge.

Health and Wellbeing

This week our school focus is all about being nurturing!  Nurture means looking after the needs of others to help them be well and happy.  For our outdoor learning project we are creating a friendship stop in the playground.  We hope that this will nurture other children in our school by helping them make friends.

For your homework, write down five ways that you are nurtured, or that you nurture others.  For example, you might be nurturing by giving your brother or sister a hug when they’re sad.