Homework Week Beginning 17th September

Howdie, Primary Four!

A reminder that our P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday, so you should have your P.E. clothes and shoes with you to change into on those days.  

Here’s this weeks homework, well done everyone who completed their homework last week and thank you to everyone who is saving paper by using the blog.  Every little helps!  All the tasks can  be written up in your homework jotters, except for the Bug Club reading work.


Bug Club: log onto your bug club accounts (your login is the same as last year) and read your reading book.  Make sure to complete the tasks and answer the questions!

Spelling: practise spelling these common words.   Write five silly sentences using as many of the words as you can.

  1. put
  2. does
  3. another
  4. large
  5. because
  6. why
  7. different
  8. home
  9. us
  10. move


In the coming weeks we will be learning lots about describing settings.  To describe a setting we need to use good adjectives.  Adjectives are words that describe what something is like.   For example: tall, cold, dark, yellow, stinky, beautiful, scary.

Go into a room in your home and write down as many adjectives as you can think of to describe it. Aim for at least ten adjectives.  You could ask a family member to help you.  Try to use all your senses.  For example: sweet  smells, delicious tastes, beautiful colours, cosy seats, fun music, annoying laughter.


Partition these numbers into hundreds, tens and units.  for example: 345 = 300 + 40 + 5.

  1. 638
  2. 392
  3. 129
  4. 304
  5. 210

Answer these word problems.

6. it is the 23rd of November.   My birthday is in four days.  What date is my birthday?

7. Zahra buys four packets of stickers.  Each packet costs 6 pence.  How much does Zahra spend altogether?

8. Anum’s team score three goals at the football match.  Iqra’s team score eight goals.  How many more goals did Iqra’s team score?

9. Rahib has 58 dojo points.  Ahmed has 42 dojo points.  How many more points does Rahib have?

10.  I drove six miles to get to work.  I drove another 6 miles to get home.  How many miles did I drive altogether?


Health and Wellbeing

We all have needs.  Needs are things that we cannot live without.  And, of course, we all have wants: things we would really like to have.  In your homework jotter, write down a list of five things that you need and five things that you want.  Write down five things one of your family members need and want.  Do you have any needs and wants in common?

First few weeks in Primary Four!

Hello world!

We apologise for the delay in blogging this year!  We’ve been so busy planning, assessing and getting on with learning, that it’s taken us a while to share what we’ve been up to.  So, here’s a wee update to let you know what’s been going on…

Literacy: We have new reading groups for a new year.  Our groups this term are called: Brazil, Canada, France, and Egypt.  With our groups we can discuss our books and help each other to answer questions about what we have read.  We are learning to use different strategies when we read, for example to:

  • work out what new words mean (clarifying),
  • look for information in the text (scanning),
  • use clues in the text to work out answers to questions (inferring),
  • share our thoughts and opinions about the text (evaluating),
  • ask our own questions (self-questioning).

We learn a lot by getting things wrong and working out how to fix them.  A common mistake for P4 this week has been rushing and not reading questions carefully!   Some of the children have been in such a hurry that they answered what they thought the question was, rather than what was actually written down.  This week we’re going to take our time and think carefully about what we are being asked.  An important lesson!

Numeracy: we have been focusing on rounding to the nearest ten in our latest numeracy work.  In real life we often use rounding, for example when we say that something costs ‘about a pound’ when the exact price is 99p, or when we say that it’s 5 o’clock, when it is exactly 4:57 pm.

The children have been using number lines to work out which two tens the number is in between, and then to decide which ten is closest.   For example:  34 is in between 30 and 40.  It is closer to 30, so we would round down to 30.


30_________<——-_______34______________________      ______________40

You can practise this at home with prices, time, measurements, etc.

Technology and Talking and Listening

The children have begun working with partners to create a PowerPoint presentation about a topic of their choice.  They have been learning what makes a good PowerPoint, and about skills for presenting to an audience.  We will be working on these presentations over the coming weeks and delivering them to the class when they are complete.

If you have any questions or comments we would love to hear from you 🙂 .


Ms Newall and Miss Brooks

Homework Week Beginning Monday 10th September

Hello Primary Four!

A reminder that our P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday, so you should have your P.E. clothes and shoes with you to change into on those days.  

Here’s this weeks homework, well done everyone who completed their homework last week!  All the tasks can  be written up in your homework jotters, except for the Bug Club reading work.


Bug Club: log onto your bug club accounts (your login is the same as last year) and read your reading book.  Make sure to complete the tasks and answer the questions!

Spelling: practise spelling these common words.  Create a word-search in your jotter to hide your spelling words.  Ask a friend or family member to try to find the words.

  1. great
  2. through
  3. much
  4. before
  5. right
  6. too
  7. tell
  8. boy
  9. came
  10. follow


In class we have been learning about rounding numbers to the nearest ten.  Practise your rounding skills on the topmarks website: www.topmarks.co.uk.  Search for Rocket Rounding.  You can also play other maths games on this site.

Answer these questions in your homework jotter:

  1. What is ten more than forty?
  2. What is ten less than thirty?
  3. What number is just after 24?
  4. What number is just before 19?
  5. What number is ten more than 32?

6.  Continue these sequences:

a) 10, 20, 30, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

b) 5, 10, 15, 20, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

c) 22, 24, 26, 28, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____

7.  Practise your number bonds to 100:

a)  70   + _____ = 100

b) 40 + _____ = 100

c)  20  + _____ = 100

8. Copy this number line into your jotter:


Write where you would put the numbers 33, 35 and 38.

9. Copy this number line into your jotter:


Write where you would put the numbers 61, 66 and 69.

Health and Wellbeing

How do you feel today?  Our feelings are very important.  Write down all the different feelings you can remember you felt today.  Draw a picture to show what was happening for one of these feelings.  For example, you might draw a picture of you feeling happy having fun with a friend!