Prepositions and Outdoor Learning in Primary Four


It’s Outdoor Learning Week!  We’ve had a brilliant time taking our learning outdoors all week and, luckily, the weather has been kind to us (so far…).  The focus for our writing this term is setting description, which works really well for outdoor literacy work.  When we describe a setting, we often use prepositions.  As any primary four should now be able to tell you, prepositions are words that tell us where things are in relation to each other.  For example, a boy sat under a tree.  Primary four went out to our lovely playground with iPads to photograph each other acting out prepositions.  They had to show: beside, under, in, above, next to, behind, around, near to, far from, on and over.  Here is their work:

Hamza is standing in front of the tree.

Eesa is next to  the stump.

Hamza is on the stump!

Eesa is inside the outdoor classroom.

Hamza is behind the bin.

The stumps are in front of the railings and under the trees.

MIss Rachman is far from Mohamed.

Yousaf is on  the table.

Ms Newall is around Fatima.


Anum is in front of Fatima.


Layth is in the tyre.

Layth is on the stump.



John is under the bushes.



Omar’s bottle is over the bin…


Sumiyah is far from John.

Iqra is behind Sumiyah!

Iqra is near to the camera and far from the school!

Rahib is in front of the shed.




John is over the tyres.


Inaaya is in the bushes.



Malaika is behind the tree.

Malaika is next to Ava.

Ava is under the table, and Mrs Harker is above her!

Ava is inside the tyre.




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