Primary 2s Learning!

It has been another busy week in Primary 2 and we have been enjoying our learning.

We have been learning to sit nicely in class with pictures to help us. (Lily)

We have bee learning about our topic the River Clyde. (Ahmed and Safaa)

We have been learning how to read Jolly Phonic books by practising the tricky words. (Aamira)

We have been learning about speech marks. When a character is talking and you have to change your voice to make it sound like a character. (Hooriah and Lily)

We have been learning how to put numbers in order from the smallest to the biggest. (Laiba)

We have been learning and practising sounds. (Ahmed)

We were learning to count tens. (Aiyla)

We have been learning about tens and units. (Ghaith)

We have been learning about how we can teach Twiggle to be sensible. Twiggle is a turtle. He has friends called Henrietta, Daphne and Duke! (Haadiya)

We have been learning the 10 x table. (Hafsah Anwar)

We have been learning how to count in 10s, 5s and 2s. (Aamira)

We have been learning about friendly numbers. Friendly numbers are the 10 numbers. (Arfa)

We have been learning to count groups of 2. (Maryam)

We have been learning the River Clyde song. (Haadiya)

We have learned that there were ships in the River Clyde. (Uzair)

The River Clyde brought things like salt and wood to this country. (Muaaz)

We learned a phrase about the River Clyde: The River Clyde made Scotland and Scotland made the River Clyde. Aydin found this information on Google. (Aydin and Ahmed)

We have learned that River Clyde is the second longest river in Scotland. The longest river in Scotland is the River Tay.

Have a lovely weekend. Come back next week to see what else we have been learning about.

From everybody in P2.



2 thoughts on “Primary 2s Learning!”

  1. Thank you Mrs Hunter Andreucctti . I definitely will tell the class more about the river clyde. The river clyde has a seal called Bonnie clyde.

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