The Waid Academy

Multi Pertransibunt Et Augebitur Scientia

RME and Philosophy

The RME Department has grown since its introduction to the school in 1998. The RME Department offers a wide range of courses including one period of Core RME for every student in S1 – S6. The department also offers certificate courses in National 5 and Higher RMPS and National 5 and Higher Philosophy. AH RMPS is offered in years where timetabling and uptake allows for a class to run.

The RME Department works hard to ensure an inclusive and engaging approach to the study of RME and provides a relevant curriculum for all learners. The department also take advantage of linking with partner agencies such as Inspire>Aspire, YPI and Lesson from Auschwitz to enhance the learning experience.

All students work towards achieving a National 4 RMPS Course Award as part of their Core RME experience in S4. Additional wider achievement awards are provided for learners in S5 and S6 Core RME. S6 Core RME allows leadership opportunities for children and young people as they take responsibility for whole school Time for Reflection activities such as Remembrance Day, Holocaust Memorial Day, Foodbank Collections and Christmas and Easter Assemblies.


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