The Waid Academy

Multi Pertransibunt Et Augebitur Scientia

S1/S2 Science

The S1 and S2 Science Course operates on a rotational basis. Students undertake learning in each of the sciences.

Course Structure in S1 Science

After an initial introduction to science, S1 learners will follow three 10 week rotations (Biology, Chemistry and Physics).  During this time learners will be involved in a range of activities designed to help them explore the outcomes below. Learners will have the opportunity to sit 2 problem solving tests (no studying required as this is skills based), 1 investigation relating to the topic and 1 end of topic test.  Learners should be encouraged to study regularly in preparation for the end of topic test which will occur in week 10 of any rotation. Towards the end of S1 learners will have an S1 exam.

Course Structure in S2 Science

S2 learners will follow three 5 week rotations (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) prior to Christmas.  During this time learners will be involved in a range of activities designed to help them explore the outcomes below. Learners will have the opportunity to sit either 1 problem solving tests (no studying required as this is skills based) or either 1 investigation relating to the topic.  They will all sit an end of topic test.  Learners should be encouraged to study regularly in preparation for the end of topic test which will occur in week 5 of any rotation. Towards Christmas learners will have an S2 exam.  After Christmas learners will study 3 further rotations in each of the sciences in preparation for S3 and will compete in the Waid Academy Climate Challenge.

Information about the Core Knowledge being covered in both S1 and S2 Science can be found in the following documents:

S1 Science (1)

S2 Science (1)

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