The Waid Academy

Multi Pertransibunt Et Augebitur Scientia

Glow and Teams Support

Here you will find help and support on how to use Glow and Teams,

All teaching and learning in Fife is implemented using TEAMS in Glow and all learners should know how to access this. If there is a problem with your child’s access, please contact us and we will sort this out.
All work/tasks will be posted in Assignments in Teams for all subjects.
We intend to pilot a different approach this time and teachers will be following their teaching timetable. Teachers will post work through Assignments but they will also be available online during their normal teaching periods to support learners/ answer questions etc. They will either be available through the chat function on Teams (typed conversations) or through Teams Audio meetings, where teacher and learners can have conversations about their learning.
It would be extremely beneficial if leaners could follow their normal timetable and be online for each lesson thereby accessing teacher/peer support. However, we understand that this may not be possible for some learners and for some junior learners this may be too intense.  The work will also be posted through Assignments so that learners can do it at a time which works for them. If your child does not know their timetable then please contact us and we will issue you with a copy of their timetable. We will review this approach by Friday 22nd and may make changes based on feedback.
It is imperative that senior learners who are following SQA course engage with all online learning.  It is important that they access their classes as per their normal timetable and if they are unable to do so, that they complete all tasks allocated. Their work will contribute to their teacher’s judgement of their progress.  It is our intention to contact you to discuss support if your child does not engage with SQA course work as this will  potentially have serious implications for their future grade.
Please note that work will not be posted for core PE, PSHE or RE for any year groups.
If a teacher is absent from work we will send a Groupcall message to you so that your child knows that the teacher will not be online.
We will issue you with parental help sheets so that you can support your child to access Assignments on Teams and Teams meetings.
This video from Mr Black will also help you understand how to work on Teams and through Glow:


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