The Waid Academy

Multi Pertransibunt Et Augebitur Scientia

Active Schools and Sports Ambassadors

About Active Schools

SportScotland works in partnership with  Fife Council to invest in and support the Active Schools Network.

The Active Schools team works with all primary schools and Waid Academy to;

  • Increase the quality and range of opportunities to participate in sport before, during lunchtime and after school.
    • Build capacity through the recruitment, retention and development of a network of volunteers & coaches to deliver sport.
    • Increase the number of young people accessing leadership roles ensuring they are encouraged and supported to reach their potential.
    • Support and develop effective pathways between Waid Academy and sport clubs to improve the transition from schools to clubs.

We achieve this by working in partnership with education, sports development and other key partners to develop an integrated approach across physical education, physical activity and sport in the wider community to ensure involvement amongst young people including under-represented groups as participants, deliverers and young leaders.

The team is further developing their skills, knowledge and behaviours and measuring and reporting on the impact of Active schools through the collation and use of data, self-assessment and reflection, continuous improvement and evaluation.

Young Ambassador Programme

The Young Ambassador Programme is one of Active Schools main flagship programmes. Selected pupils from all our secondary schools receive comprehensive leadership experience within sport, education & community settings. Young Ambassadors gain a vast range of skills based on the ever-important promotionmotivation and inspiration for young people in sport. Ambassadors work alongside their Active Schools Coordinator where they will receive support and guidance throughout their role allowing them to gain new skills and experiences whilst making a difference in their local school and community.

Young Ambassadors gain valuable life skills such as communicationorganisation and teamwork, both through strategic and operational roles. All Young Ambassadors sign up to the Saltire Award, which is a nationally recognised awarding body for volunteering hours. Using this approach is an opportunity to evidence all of their fantastic work when applying for further education and future employment.

Link to Fife Ambassador Film:

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