Parkhill Parent Council Constitution
1. The Parent Council shall be known as the Parkhill Parent Council
2. Aims
a) Promoting close co-operation and communication between parents and school
b) The study and discussion of matters of mutual interest relating to the education
and welfare of pupils
c) Engaging in activities which support and advance the education of pupils
attending the school
3, Powers
The Parent Council shall have the power to do anything considered by them to be in
furtherance of the aims but remembering that they are there to represent the views
of the Parent Forum. This includes the formation of sub-committees.
4, Membership
The membership of the Parent Council consists of a minimum of 3 parents/carers of
children attending Parkhill Primary School as selected by the Parent Forum.
5, General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in September each year. The notice
calling the meeting shall be sent to the Parent Forum at least two weeks in advance.
Meetings may take place online and/or in person, but the notice period and AGM
procedures remain the same.
The business shall include:-
a) the work of the Parent Council
b) approval of the accounts of PSA
c) any resolutions submitted by the Parent Forum
d) appointment of members to serve on the Parent Council
At all GMs, voting shall be on the basis of one vote per parent/carer present at the
meeting. Co-opted members on Parent Councils do not have a vote nor does the
headteacher, staff members, councillors or local authority staff attending.
At all general meetings, the quorum shall consist of 3.
The Parent Council or fifteen of the Parent Forum shall have power to call an
Extraordinary General Meeting.
6. Parent Council Membership
Members of the Parent Council shall be appointed at the AGM. They shall be elected
for a one year term and be eligible for re-election. Parents shall always form the
majority of the Parent Council.
The Office Bearers will be Chairperson and Secretary and such others as may be
required. The office bearers will be elected by the Parent Council at the AGM.
The Headteacher or his/her representative has a right and a duty to attend meetings
of the Parent Council.
The Parent Council may co-opt up to one persons to help carry out its functions at
any time. The co-opted members shall retire at the AGM but shall be eligible to be
co-opted for a further term. Co-opted members do not have a vote.
Each parent/carer member of the Parent Council shall have one vote and resolutions
shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chairperson shall
have both a deliberative and casting vote – one vote as a PC member and one vote as
The Chairperson’s casting vote shall be used only in the event of a tie.
The Secretary/PC Clerk shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of all
meetings and shall make these available upon request to any member of the Parent
A member of the Parent Council failing to attend three consecutive meetings without
reason/apologies may be deemed to have retired from the Parent Council.
7. Ordinary Meetings
Meetings of the Parent Council shall be held as required. Meetings may take place
virtually (eg online) and/or in person.
At all meetings of the Parent Council 3 shall form a quorum.
All Parent Council ordinary meetings shall be open to members of the Parent Forum
although they will not have voting rights.
8. Changes to the Constitution
Changes or additions must be made at an AGM, or an EGM called for the purpose.
The proposed change shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting and be
approved by not less than two thirds of all parents/carers present.