Room 4 P2/3 Miss. Galloway

Hello, we are  Primary 2/3 and our class teacher is Miss. Galloway.

So far in term 1 we have been working really hard across all the curricular areas.

In literacy, we are looking at how to improve our writing by using adjectives and our writing focus is descriptive writing.  We are currently reading ‘The Green Giant’ by Katie Cottle and ‘King of the Swamp’ by Catherine Emmett and Ben Mantle.

Within numeracy, we are focusing on number bonds, addition strategies and doubles/halves.

In maths, we are looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

Our current topic is Caring for the Environment.

Within Health and Wellbeing we are currently looking at our emotions; what can influence them, how that makes our body feel and what we can do to help us feel better. We also have looked into our families and friendships. Alongside, hygiene and keeping clean.

Our gym days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Children should come to school dressed in their gym clothes.

We have been sharing snapshots of our learning through Seesaw. This is where you will find our weekly updates, what we have been enjoying and learning through play along with communications.

Learning Together, Achieving Together

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