Friday 17th January

This week, we have been learning more about the life of Robert the Bruce and have created time lines of his life, alongside a comic strip that tells the story of the Robert and the spider in the cave.

We have continued to work on our Scottish poetry recital in class, ready for next week’s class competition. We are also completing an art competition based on the poem we are learning. We have created a piece of artwork based on the main themes of the poem. We worked on identifying the meanings of traditional Scottish words.

We are continuing to enjoy our class novel, The Nowhere Emporium. This week, we have created our own imaginary shops in our imaginative writing. We have been focusing on the description of setting using our senses and other literary techniques, such as personification.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been developing our skills in data handling.

We have completed STEM challenges in groups and had to work cooperatively to build, test and design different models.

In Music, we have been writing and performing our own lyrics and playing ukulele.

We have worked well with others in Drama to develop story ideas from our class novel.

We enjoyed exploring properties of materials with our buddies in Outdoor Learning.

This week, we joined a live French lesson with pupils across Scotland to develop our skills further.


Friday 10th January 2025

Happy New Year to all! We have had a busy first week back at school. We have enjoyed having our Skills Academies again this week and we have all been learning or developing a new skill; gymnastics, origami, STEM or board games.

We have started a block of learning on Imaginative writing and enjoyed creating science fiction types stories this week after watching a short stimulus on a robot. We have also started our new class Novel – The Nowhere Emporium. We completed a challenge to design a front cover after only hearing the blurb.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been developing our skills in information handling and interpreting different types of graphs and charts.

We have been learning about the importance of staying connected in Health and Wellbeing as one of the 5 ways to Wellbeing. In one task, we paired up with someone else in the class and found out more about them. We also thought about people we could connect with more and how we might do this. In P.E, we have been developing our skills in gymnastics and dance.

We have been learning to play some Scottish themed songs in Ukulele. Our topic this term is Significant Scots of the past and we have begun by learning about Robert the Bruce.

We have set goals for 2025 as we look to embrace the new experiences that will be coming our way this year.

Friday 20th December

It is the Christmas Holidays! We have all worked so hard this term and are ready to enjoy the break with our families and friends. We hope everyone has a lovely time.

P7s all had a speaking part at the Church Service and some of us told the Christmas Story, whilst others introduced the performances of other classes. Everyone did very well.

We enjoyed completing an outdoor challenge, where we worked in teams to solve clues, similar to Cluedo.

This week, we have completed several arts and crafts activities in the lead up to Christmas. This has included making calendars, cards for our buddies and Christmas decorations that we can take home.

We have written Winter and Christmas Cinquain poetry and enjoyed learning about this style of poetry.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have completed some Christmas based challenges. One of these involved making the longest paper chain from a single piece of A4 paper.

We have enjoyed watching a Christmas movie with the whole school and listening to our top Christmas songs today to finish off the term.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.


Friday 13th December

Today, we enjoyed watching the P1 Nativity. We are very proud of our Buddies and their fantastic performance. We also met in our Committees for the final time this term and we reviewed the progress we have made so far. We took part in a Christmas jumper hunt as part of the Enterprise Committee’s plans. As it was festive Friday, we also made Christmas cards that we will take home to share.

On Monday, we enjoyed exploring Loose Parts and we worked in teams to create Christmas themed inventions.

We enjoyed our Christmas party on Tuesday and we enjoyed a selection of games and dancing. We had lots of fun.

In Numeracy this week, we have been concluding our work on fractions, decimals and percentages.

In Literacy, we have been exploring different uses of apostrophes. We have also worked well in our reading groups to discuss the texts. We have written newspaper reports and peer assessed each other’s.

We have been rehearsing songs for the Church service and each of us has taken on a speaking part to share the Christmas Story or introduce part of the performance.

We have been learning about names for school objects in French. In Science, we have been exploring changing states of matter.

We have concluded our learning on Make £5 Grow and we are amazed to have made over £500 profit! We reflected on what went well and what we would do differently and also on all the skills we have developed. We are grateful for the support we received, thank you.

Friday 6th December

P7 held their final Christmas Market today and we look forward to seeing how much profit we have made. A huge thanks to the P4-6 pupils who attended and also the parents and families that came along and supported us too. This money will go towards a charity (to be decided) and will support some of the costs involved in the P7 trip in June 2025.

We successfully wrote newspaper reports based on last week’s Christmas Market and we were delighted that all groups made a profit. We focused on the layout of the newspaper report and added quotes, using the correct punctuation. We have also been developing our punctuation skills in using apostrophes.

In P.E, we have enjoyed playing a handball tournament as we develop our skills further. We used Excel to create data charts to show the progress we have made with our fitness this term, we also explored the benefits of exercise, including physical and mental.

We have continued to develop our skills in fractions, decimals and percentages and applying these in different situations.

In Drama, we have developed our character skills and working and presenting with others.

We enjoyed building and creating with our buddies in outdoor learning this week.

In Art, we have created Christmas craft for the bags that will be shared in our community.

Today, we met in our committees and we continue to enjoy leading the younger pupils.

Friday 29th November

Today, P7 held the first of their two Christmas Markets. We have worked hard over the last few weeks to prepare for this event and we are delighted with how well it went. Thanks to Nursery to P3 children. We will calculate our profits, evaluate how we did and prepare for the second event next week.

We have also met in our Pupil Committees again today.

House Captains helped to run and organise a House Dodgeball tournament today, which was a great success.

We have been learning about Fair Trade and its impact on communities and climate change as we explore sustainable trading. We made notes from a video we watched and created information posters. We also completed some comprehension work on Fair Trade.

We have peer assessed each other carrying out CPR as become more confident in this emergency procedure.

In Numeracy, we have further developed our skills in fractions, decimals and percentages.

We enjoyed playing Christmas songs on our Ukuleles this week.

Next week, we will present our individual presentations that we have been working hard on this week.

We worked well with our buddies in our outdoor environment, creating games with natural materials.

In P.E, we have developed our fitness skills and we have continued learning more about the sport of Handball.

Friday 22nd November

Today, some of the class are attending an Athletics event in Glenrothes, competing against other schools in Fife.

We are continuing preparations for our Make £5 Grow events, which start next Friday. We have shared our ideas to the whole school during Monday’s Together Time, after we used their feedback to help us finalise our price and products. We have been calculating our estimated profit and looking to maximise this where possible.

In Literacy, we have been focusing on developing our spelling and punctuation skills. We have also researched a topic of our choice, as we conclude our learning on writing reports. We have worked hard at improving our note taking skills.

In Numeracy, all groups are learning about fractions and percentages, and applying to real life contexts.

In P.E, we have continued to work on fitness and stamina. We have started learning about handball and have played in matches..

In Art, we have been focusing on line and colour.

With Miss Allan, we explored different Gospel accounts in RME.

We created school timetables in French to help develop our skills further. We also learned about different features in a table, including merge and splitting cells and keyboard shortcuts.


Thursday 14th November

This week we have been working in well in our Enterprise groups as we seek to make £5 grow. Our ideas are developing well and we have begun the marketing stage. We have also been calculating our budget on our shopping list. Next week, we will share our ideas to the whole school assembly.

We have been exploring respect as part of anti-bullying week and created acrostic poems to show what respect looks and sounds like to us.

In Numeracy, we have begun working on fractions, decimals and percentages.

We created blackout poems based on Remembrance Day. This is when you select significant words from a poem and black out the rest to create your own. One of the poems we used was Flanders Fields.

We have continued to develop our stamina skills in P.E and also played matches in our football lesson.

In French, we are becoming more confident with school subjects and enjoyed using Blooket to test our knowledge.

We have been learning how to deal with an emergency situation and gave CPR to the Anne Dummies. We realised how hard and tiring this is but an important life skill.

Friday 8th November

This week, we have worked well in our groups to develop our ideas to make £5 grow. We prepared market research questions to ask other classes and we have used this feedback to help us improve our plans. Next week, we will begin marketing and designing.

We have developed our skills further in information report writing and have peer assessed each other’s work to help us improve further.
We have been answering questions on information texts to help develop our skimming and scanning skills.

In drama, we have acted out what might happen if we find a million pounds, like the characters in our class novels. We are focusing on developing realistic characters, thinking about voice and movement.

We enjoyed creating a market stall in loose parts and in outdoor learning we worked well with our buddies to be creative with the natural materials.

In Numeracy, we have been further developing our skills in money, including problem solving.

We have been leaning about school subjects in French and we explored solids, liquids, and gases further in science.

In P.E, we are developing our fitness skills and looking to improve our stamina.

Friday 1st November

This week, we have begun working in our Make £5 Grow teams. We have established rules for our teams, we have identified personal skills and the roles best suited to each member of the team and we have begun to generate our ideas. We will look to carry our market research before we finalise and make our decision.

In Numeracy, we have continued to learn about money, including budgeting, profit and loss, hire purchase, commission and overtime. We enjoyed working in pairs to work out a family shopping budget.

In Literacy, we have been developing our spelling skills. We have also been working on our note-taking from information texts. We have used these notes to make information reports of our own. We peer assessed each other’s work and used this to help set new targets for our work.

In HWB, we have explored resilience and how to cope with different challenges we may face. In P.E, we have carried out fitness stations as we look to improve our stamina and we have also developed our football skills.

In French, we have been consolidating our learning in days, months and seasons and enjoyed using ‘Blooket’ (online game) to test our knowledge.

We have continued to develop our ukulele skills, including a new chord.

In Art, we have been learning about perspective in our work and creating Halloween inspired images.

We enjoyed working with our buddies to create a spooky spell and we collected items from our playground to help make it.

In Science, we have begun exploring properties of solids, liquids and gases.

We have been experimenting with different roles in Drama, developing movement and voice.