P7 and Mrs Annan

Block One (August – December)

The Primary 7 children have returned to school refreshed and ready to go and we have a busy term planned.

Class Charter

We will be revisiting our class charter and reminding ourselves and each other how we expect everyone to behave in class and around the school. We will be considering what it looks and feels like to be Safe, Ready and Respectful.


This term our topic will be World War 2. We will be looking into the timeline of events, rationing, evacuation, propaganda and more.

Numeracy and Maths

The topics we are aiming to cover this term are:

  • More addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Maths word problems
  • A continued focus on mental maths


In literacy we continue to work on our spelling along with further work on sentence structure and grammar.

In writing we will be focusing on up-levelling our sentences by adding more description, detail and using different types of words. We will be using these skills when writing recounts, reports and instructions as well as some imaginative stories and poetry. We will also be focusing on checking over our own work and self-assessing against the success criteria.

In talking and listening we will be working on listening comprehension as well as following verbal instructions. There will be lots of class and group activities and discussions, with a focus providing constructive feedback and listening respectfully to others.

In reading, we will be doing lots of work on comprehension and answering different types of questions related to our reading. We have our class novel and independent reading times to help promote fun for reading.


Health and Wellbeing

As part of our health and wellbeing learning we will be covering Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP). This term we will be covering the following topics:

  •  Menstruation
  • How adults plan and prevent a pregnancy: contraception and condoms

If you wish to see what is included in this, you can access all the slides and accompanying information at



Drama is on a Tuesday and PE is on a Wednesday and children should wear their PE clothes to school then.

In PE, we will be learning the skill for playing netball, sportsmanship and team building.

Homework will go out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. Please ensure any reading books are kept in school bags so that children have them available for reading in class every day, even if they have not yet read their homework.

If your child would like to complete some additional homework to help further their learning and understanding, please have a look at the list of websites below which you may find useful.




Maths Bot




BBC Bitesize


The Literacy Shed


National Literacy Trust


Doorway Online


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