P5 and Miss Harris

Block One (August – December)

Welcome to Primary 5 with Miss Harris! The information below will detail some of our plans for the first block.

Class Charter

Starting back in August we have had a focus on class expectations which connect with our school values of Safe, Ready and Respectful. Discussing how these values look in the classroom and wider school environment, we want to work hard to model these values. We have worked together to create a sea themed class charter resembling the phrase ‘we all swim together’.


This block we will cover the following:

  • Weekly spelling words.
  • Weekly reading books.
  • Reciprocal reading roles to better understand text.
  • Focusing on VCOP skills, applying this to imaginative writing.
  • An exploration of different poem types.
  • Researching and participating in a debate.
  • Researching and presenting work with increasing confidence.
  • Our class novel this term will be James and the Giant Peach by Road Dahl.


This block we will cover the following:

  • Place Value
  • Rounding and Ordering
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Shape
  • Opportunities for mental maths

Listed below are suggested websites to further learning at home:




Many pupils engaged with the following video on place value https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z9w3g82#zqtfcxs



Our topic this block is ‘Polar Regions’. Focusing on Polar Regions as a general topic, wider opportunities include campaigns (greenpeace, plastic, global warming) and animal rights. Already completing a KWL grid as a class, learning will follow pupil interests with many cross curricular opportunities. Pupils will have plenty of opportunity to take responsibility over their own learning through researching, questioning and presenting.

Health and Wellbeing

This block we will be covering these topics from the RSHP website (Second Level):

My body

Friends and friendships

A fair and equal life for boys and girls

You can access these lessons and resources through this link https://rshp.scot/second-level/


PE is every Tuesday; can you please ensure pupils come to school wearing their kit. The following will be covered this block:

  • Team games to establish relationships and collaborative working
  • Netball
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance (Scottish Country Dancing)



Pupils will be assigned homework on a weekly basis starting Friday 5th September. Homework will be handed out every Friday and must be returned the following Wednesday. This will be a reading book and reading record which must be signed upon completion. Reading folders should accompany your child every day as access to reading books will be required during class time.

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