P3 and Mrs Goodlad

Block One  (August – December)

Hello and welcome to P3 with Mrs Goodlad!  We are now well into the first term and we are settling into our new classroom and new routines.

Class Charter

Over the last couple of weeks we have created a class charter which gave us the opportunity to discuss our school values: Safe, Ready and Respectful. We have been reminding ourselves of what these values look like in the classroom, the playground and the wider school and how we can demonstrate these values.


This block we will be covering

  • Revision of all diagraphs and alternative vowel sounds.
  • For grammar we will be learning how to order words alphabetically and use a dictionary. We will also be learning how to use other forms of punctuation such as speech marks, commas and exclamation marks.
  • We will also be revising nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and identifying these in sentences.
  • We will continue to practise reading and spelling common words.
  • In writing this term we will revise sentence construction and using punctuation consistently before moving on to using connectives and openers in our writing.
  • Our class novel this term will George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl.


This Block in Numeracy we will be learning:

  • Place Value
  • Estimation and Rounding
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Money
  • Shape

We will be practising our 2,3, 5 and 10 times tables daily through mental maths games and songs.


Homework will go out every Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. This will begin on Friday 5th September. The homework will consist of a reading book and a reading record for you to sign each week. Pupils who are reading books from our Oxford Reading Tree scheme (ORT) will also be provided with a word wall of common words for them to practise. Please can you ensure that your child brings their homework folder to school every day as they will need access to their reading book during class time to practise.

If you would like to further your learning at home here are some suggested websites you could use:


Spelling and blending
















Addition and Subtraction





Times tables






Pattern and Shape





Our Topic this block is called ‘Inventors and Inventions’ we are going to have a focus on the invention of Lego. We will be learning all about the History of Lego and Ole Kirk Christiansen Lego’s inventor. We will participate in a number of design and STEM activities this block such as designing a Lego marble maze and creating a water dam using Lego. These activities will develop pupils’ problem solving skills, ability to work collaboratively and their ability to reflect. We will be creating our own Lego character and story and will then use the iPads to create a stop-motion animation.

Health and Wellbeing

This block we will be covering these topics from the RSHP website (First Level Progression 1)

  • Similarities and Differences
  • Feelings and Safety

You can access these lessons and resources through this link https://rshp.scot/first-level/

We will also be using the Emotion Works programme to learn about different emotions and strategies we can use to support our emotions.


Our PE day is on a Monday please can you ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on this day. This block we will be covering:

  • Developing teamwork skills and resilience through class games.
  • Football
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance

Inspiring Success

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