Category: Corona

Corona Virus Update (Updated 17/3 @ 3.13pm)

Please see the below update regarding the Corona Virus:


Remote Access to Learning
In light of the current situation, we wanted to let parents know that we are accelerating our plans to move learning onto digital platforms for remote access. All principal teachers are currently working with their Faculties to ensure that every teacher has their classes set up in Microsoft Teams in order to allow teachers to email young people class work and communicate remotely. We are writing an easy guide to Teams for parents and young people and this will be with you before the end of the week. Once all classes are set up we will let you know via text/email. Our plan is to have this in place for the end of the week.


SQA Exams
Guidance from SQA is still that all exams will be going ahead as planned. We await further information and will share this with you as soon as we have it. Teachers are working hard at the moment to ensure all young people meet submission deadlines for internal coursework.

Thank you to all of our parents who are being incredibly supportive in such unprecedented times. We understand there will be a level of concern out there and aim to do our best to reassure by keeping you fully informed as new information is passed on. Stay safe, take care and do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with.


To keep up with information and news as it happens, please follow us on:

Twitter: @Bellbaxter_HS

Facebook: @BellBaxterHS

Corona Virus Information – 5/3/2020

Letter from Carrie Lindsay, Executive Director of Education & Children’s Services, Fife Council

5 March 2020

Dear Parent / Carer

I understand many people may be feeling anxious as we continue to hear about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). However, despite the precautionary measures that governments and local authorities are now taking, health professionals are reminding us that the risk to individuals remains low.

Public health advice is clear that schools do not need to close and pupils should attend as normal.

Fife Council is working closely with Fife Health & Social Care Partnership, NHS Fife and Health Protection Scotland to monitor and respond to the national situation. I’m in regular contact with Fife’s headteachers and we will continue to work with health agencies to make sure we’re giving schools the most up to date advice.

The safety and wellbeing of everyone in our schools community is always our top priority.

If your family has travelled in an affected area, follow the NHS advice and contact your school if you need to self-isolate. Please be aware that speculation is rife about the coronavirus and not everything you read online or in newspapers may be accurate. The most up to date information can be found at

The main things we can all do to help prevent the spread of viruses like this is to:

  • avoid direct hand contact with your eyes, nose and mouth
  • wash hands with soap and water regularly throughout the day, particularly:
    • after coughing or sneezing
    • after going to the toilet
    • before eating and drinking
  • cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with disposable tissues and dispose of them in the nearest waste bin after use
  • avoid direct contact with people that have a respiratory illness and avoid using their personal items such as their mobile phone

All our schools will be promoting these basic hygiene messages with children and young people. Please reinforce them at home too.

The council will update information and advice about the local impact of the virus at

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Carrie Lindsay Executive Director, Education & Children’s Services


Coronavirus advice poster – Education – 4 March 2020