Having problems logging into Glow?
Forgotten your login details?
Email the school office at bellbaxterhs.enquiries@fife.gov.uk with the pupil’s name, year, and the problem you’re having and they will be happy to help.
Having problems logging into Glow?
Forgotten your login details?
Email the school office at bellbaxterhs.enquiries@fife.gov.uk with the pupil’s name, year, and the problem you’re having and they will be happy to help.
Covid-19 Additional Support
Temporary guest account for S3 learners
Learners in S3 studying level 4 material as part of the broad general education (BGE), often cover topics common to National 5 courses and may find access to SCHOLAR National 5 courses useful.
If S3 students have not yet been enrolled, to let them work on the course materials, for the next 28 days they will be able to access our National 5 courses using the account details below. Please note, when using this account their teacher will not be able to track their progress, review their performance or mark any extended answers.
Username: ges3nat5
Password: bird70pear
Best wishes,
Dear Parents/Carers
Please see the latest very important update form the SQA re. AH/H coursework released just a few minutes ago. No submissions of internal coursework are required for Higher and Advanced Higher courses. Where young people have started coursework this will be factored into the teacher professional judgement of estimates. Further information about estimates to follow from SQA.
We will update you as soon as we hear more.
Keep in touch.
Best wishes,
Carol Ann Penrose
Dear Parent/Carer
No meals will be prepared in schools this week (other than for those attending Children’s Activity Centres). For children registered for free school meals a payment will be received this week. Payment will be based on those currently registered for FME/school clothing grant. You will be sent a letter confirming the bank details we hold for you, if these are incorrect you need to let us know. P1-3 payment will be made only to those receiving free school milk. Any P1-3 who are eligible but not already registered should apply via fife.gov.uk/schoolbenefits. You can find out if you are eligible here also.
Kindest Regards
Ms Sharon Orr
Business Manager