Weekly Information – 6th September 2024

**Reminder** Harvest Day – 11th September

In previous years we have celebrated Apple Day but this year we are broadening the theme to Harvest Day.

  • All children (Nursery-P7) will be invited to come to school wearing harvest colours – brown, green, yellow, orange, red – no uniform day
  • All children are invited to bring £1 to contribute to the cost of the day if they can.
  • All children are invited to bring in a vegetable from home – please support your child to know where the vegetable was grown so that they can share this with the class. (You will usually find this information on a shop label or it may be something your child grew at home)

The learning on the day will focus on food technology, food and health, the child’s right to nutritious food, food journeys and sharing.

Each class will make soup from the selection of vegetables brought in by the children.

Each child will bring home something made from the school apples as well as a bag of freshly picked apples.


School Library

The Parent Council are launching an exciting project to set up a school library.  I am delighted to be able to tell you that they have successfully received a grant of £1500 from Tesco which will allow the library to be really fantastic. Well done!

The library will give leadership opportunities for children as well as a chance for all children to borrow books to take home. It will enhance reading for enjoyment across the whole school. To run this project, we are looking for Parent Volunteers to join a library committee – the committee member will help keep the library tidy, read stories and/or help the children borrow books. Please email me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk if you could get involved – it won’t be a big time commitment and we would be grateful for your help. All volunteers will undertake a PVG check before working with children on their own and we will give guidance and support to you all.


Neurodevelopmental Pathway in Fife

The ND Pathway is the route we now use in Fife to support children who might be developing differently from their peers. the pathway puts a focus on support ahead of assessment. If you child has already been referred for an assessment of neurodiversity and it was accepted, they will move onto this pathway. If you have concerns about your child’s development, social skill, communication or learning then you will be interested in finding out more about the ND pathway.

Please click here to read about the new Fife Neurodevelopmental Pathway

We always encourage you to discuss concerns with us at school. We can help you access support and our assessment in school is a key part of any assessment process. We can identify dyslexia and dyscalculia in school following a period of assessment and observation. Other neuro-diversities are identified through the ND pathway. Not every child with a neurodiversity needs an assessment, often putting supports and strategies in place is enough. If you ever have any concerns about your child’s development, please raise them with us and I would strongly recommend you go to one of the upcoming ND Pathway Roadshows.

Please click here to find out about upcoming Roadshows