Weekly Information – 21st June 2024

New Reading Scheme

I am delighted to be able to tell you that we have bought a new reading scheme for the school. This is a modern scheme with up to date stories, pictures, characters and diversity and it fits better with the phonetic approach we take to teaching reading and spelling. A selection of the new books will be available for parents to browse at the summer fair and for anyone who feels they will miss Biff, Chip and Kipper, there will be a chance to take a bundle of the old books home! The new scheme is a significant investment for the school and it has only been possible to make the purchase due to a very generous £5000 donation from Peacehill Gas Community Fund and a further (and equally generous) donation of £500 from Parent Council.


Summer Fair and End of Year Event

The summer fair will start at 1.30 on Monday followed by the end of year event in the garden at approximately 2.15pm. All parents and friends of the school and nursery are welcome including those who Are joining the school in August.

So that cost is not a factor to children taking part, all children will be given **tokens** to play the following stalls:

Pyramid of Puzzles

Treasure Hunt

Hook the Duck

Lucky Dip

Beat the Goalie

Beat the runner



Pirate Pete’s Treasure Island

**Please make a donation of your choice on the gate to pay for your child’s tokens**

There will be a cost for the following stalls:

Face Painting

Soak the Headteacher



Usbourne Book Stall

Bake Sale (being run by Parent Council

All monies raised will go to school fund to further the experiences of the children at our school and nursery.

Please bring a picnic blanket or folding chair to sit on at the end of year event. The forecast looks promising at present but we should plan for wet grass. If it rains during the afternoon, we will

Summer Reading Challenge

This starts tomorrow! Pauline visited us at Assembly today to share the details. We encourage you to get involved if you can: Click Here for Details.


Waterstone Crook Football Camps

Please click here for information.


Cafe Inc

Café Inc will be back during the summer holidays for children and young people across Fife. It is a free lunch club providing tasty, healthy meals for our children and young people while our schools are closed during the holidays. No need to book, just turn up. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult, who can also have a meal.

Cafe Inc venues will all be listed on our interactive map, which is available along with other advice and help with the Cost of Living, at our.fife.scot/gethelp

Click here for information about the St Andrews Area


On Behalf of Public Health Scotland

You may be aware that we are currently seeing an increase in the number of people getting ill with measles.

If your child is about to start P1, please read this letter.

If your child is about to start S1, please read this letter.


It’s the Newport Festival Tomorrow

Here is the programme for the day:


Parent Council Minutes

Please click here to read the minutes of the most recent meeting.