For educators question two is: How do we know that all children are making very good progress and their learning?
For learners question two is: How are you doing?
Assessment has a crucial role in enabling all learners to maximise their potential and achieve the 4 capacities. This question will provide tools to support progression to ensure we have a shared expectation of standards to be achieved.
Enhanced what matters to me Example
What do I need from the adults around me to help include me and enable me to access learning opportunities and regulate my emotions? Children with ASN need us to share our knowledge of support and strategies to help them achieve their individual potential.
Whole team approach to assess evidence gathered. Keyworker is responsible for analysing what progress each individual child is making through focus child approach. Using the descriptors from the Assessment and Progression Framework and ensuring they are progressing on their own pathway.
Emotional well-being is particularly important for children. If children feel confident in their surroundings they are more likely to learn productively and develop in a healthy way. Promoting an environment where children feel happy, safe and supported is key to this.
A settling report is created after 6 weeks using the SHANARRI Wellbeing Indicators. This is a starting point for the children’s individual learning journey and is shared with parents/carers.
UNCRC Article 12 states children have the human right to have opinions and for these opinions to be heard and taken seriously. This is reflected in our What Matters to Me.
Where am I in my learning journey
Examples of Where I am in My Play and Learning Journey.