Author Archives: Mrs Thomson

Scottish Education Awards 2018

The Scottish Education Awards recognise early learning and childcare settings and schools that have developed a vibrant and progressive culture and climate of continuous innovation in relation to numeracy.

The culture and ethos should promote respect, ambition and achievement in numeracy while improving outcomes for all learners in ways which eliminate inequity.

Nominations should provide detail about all the activities, programmes and creative approaches that the school or centre has undertaken.


  • How are these being embedded across the four contexts for learning?

– Ethos and life of the school as a community

– Curriculum areas and subjects

– Interdisciplinary learning

– Opportunities for personal achievement


  • How are you promoting equity, equality, diversity and inclusion in relation to this award category?


  • What impact are your approaches having on learners, staff, their families, partner organisations, other educational establishments and the wider community?


Nominations close at 12 noon on Wednesday 14 February 2018