Learning together at Home

Maths and numeracy is in many real life applications.  These can be, and are not limited to, the following:

  • baking/cooking
  • age appropriate DIY
  • creative pursuits – patterns and sequences
  • gardening
  • shopping
  • sporting activity
  • board games, computer games, treasure hunts and puzzles

Ideas and other advice can be found on twitter by following @numhubchampfalk or by using the links and blog posts on this site.

There are a lot of online packages, some free, some not.

The ones I have been using are as follows:

For these you might need a grade comparison of levels with Scotland, and this is (approximately):

There is also a range of home maths activities on the Maths Week Scotland site which can be found here.

The Forth Valley and West Lothian Improvement Collaborative have also produced support materials for numeracy and maths distance learning.  These can be found here.

If you wish to share how you and your child/children have been learning at home, feel free to tweet using #FCNumeracyatHome