This blog post shares literacy news and information about Falkirk, Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Collaborative and Education Scotland developments and professional learning.

Falkirk Happenings:
Click here to view the Talking and Listening and Reading Comprehension Recovery Phase support materials created August 2020 (Scroll down to Literacy – Glow login required)
Click here to read about the Falkirk LIteracy Network meeting for this term – contact if you would like to join this network.
Our second Literacy Blether with our support for learning colleagues takes place on 15th December. Our first meeting in September helped us identify and discuss how our learners had progressed over lock down and what support they still needed. Working virtually in Teams gave us a safe but valuable way to share ideas and resources which might support our learners as well as our thoughts about useful professional learning. Judith Davies, Louise Amos and Yvonne McBlain have taken forward the actions identified including collaboration with colleagues in our RIC and at Education Scotland.
Upcoming Professional Learning – shaped by the above meetings plus our analysis of SNSA autumn 2019 data:
LIT 7-2021 Support for learning literacy Blether 15th December 4-5pm
LIT 5a-2021 Let’s talk about primary 7 SNSA data 10th December 4-5pm and another opportunity LIT 5b-2021 on 26th January 2021 4-5 pm.
LIT 4b-2021 Let’s talk about primary 4 SNSA data 21 st January 2021 4-5pm
LIT 6a-2021 Introducing the new PM Literacy Assessment 19th January 2021 4-5pm and another opportunity LIT 6b-2021 on 4th February 2021 4-5 pm
Watch out for LIT 8-2021 1st February 2021 we hope to offer an information session about Reciprocal Reading for those who want to find out more about the training available via our Regional collaborative literacy team.

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Collaborative Happenings:
Falkirk’s literacy team members – Yvonne Manning, Carol Turnbull and Yvonne McBlain attended each FVWLRIC literacy meeting and contributed to the ongoing development of the literacy development plan – click here to read more via the FVWLRIC blog. Contact with any matters you would like to be shared with this forum.
At the end of October, Janet Adam, literacy lead officer, FVWLRIC, co-delivered LIT 3-2021 Let’s talk about reading – in Falkirk and within our regional collaborative with Yvonne McBlain. As a result of this course and previous literacy updates, Janet is now working directly with a number of Falkirk primary schools to support their use of Reciprocal Reading (click here to read more).
Janet and Helen Fairlie, senior development officer for Literacy and English Education Scotland, have established a FVWLRIC principal teacher of English network to promote collaboration and support across the secondary sector.
Upcoming FVWLRIC Professional Learning:
Dr. Kylie Bradfield (Stirling University) will deliver further Reciprocal Reading sessions for primary practitioners. These will focus on “Teaching Grammar in Context” and take place: Monday 11th – word level, 18th – sentence level & 25th January 2021 – 5-5.40 pm – text level. These are free to all via Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7023 2439 Passcode: 8KH99h further info available from FVWLRIC blog post and from Twitter here . The sessions will be recorded and will be available on You Tube afterwards.
Janet has prepared a Winter themed wakelet collection of teaching resources for those adopting Reciprocal Reading approaches – click here to view and watch out for further professional learning information sessions about Reciprocal Reading.
Introduction to disciplinary literacy webinar 28th January 2021 for secondary practitioners 4-5 pm for more information click here

Education Scotland Literacy Happenings:
Helen Fairlie is our FVWLRIC Education Scotland literacy team member and we are grateful for her support with a number of the developments above. Posts in this blog will keep you updated on what was shared by Helen and her Education Scotland literacy team colleagues at National LIteracy Network meetings. Both Yvonne(s) and Carol attend these meetings and the more informal drop in opportunities which Helen and Janet jointly chair.
Click here to access recently published SQA support resources – audio presentations and an updated “Common Questions” document.
Click here to access a list of online support sources for blended learning in literacy. These were collated by Julie Jamieson, literacy development officer.
Upcoming Professional Learning highlighted or organised by Education Scotland:
Recording of the recent webinar from Glasgow University School of Critical Studies on Understanding English Grammar click here to view. The access passcode is: IEeV2&s^ and the webinar begins from around 9 min 30 sec:
Click here to view the Literacy in the Outdoors webinar which took place in November.
Click here to visit the Education Scotland professional learning blog where the latest opportunities are promoted.