RME- Diwalli

We were learning about Diwalli – The Festival of Lights in RME this week.

We watched a video showing how people decorate the streets with coloured powders and create beautiful Lotus flowers, called Rangolli patterns, as a symbol meaning Welcome.


Here are our versions which we made using powder paint!

Ealan – A’ leantainn eisimpleir

Ghluais sinn air adhart bho na leasanan mu dheidhinn ‘loidhnichean’ an t-seachdain sa agus seall cho math ‘s a rinn clas 2 agus 3 a’ leantainn eisimpleir beag air bheag. Bha clas a h-aon a deanamh an aon seorsa ionnsachadh ach le deilbh nas simplidh.

Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri dath a chuir orra an ath sheachdain!


We moved onto the next stage of our art lessons about ‘line’ this week. The children were all learning about drawing in stages although p2 & 3 had more of a challenge as they were learning to draw Simba from the Lion King! I think you’ll agree they made a very good first attempt!

We can’t wait to add colour next week!

sgeulachd an t-seachdain

Thainig clas 7 sios thugainn an t-seachdain-sa agus chord e ris a chlann a bhith ag eisteachd ri stoiridh Gaidhlig. Bha iad uile uabhasach modhail ag eisteachd agus a’ faighneachd ceistean mu na sgeulachdan.

We enjoyed a visit from primary 7 this week who came down to read us a story in Gaelic. There was lots of good discussions going on about the story and all the children listened very well.

Our story of the week was Little Red Riding Hood and we began learning actions to go along with the story to help us re-tell it next week. Primary 2 & 3 had the task of creating a story map however i noticed primary 1 giving it a go at the writing table too! There were different follow-up activities to go along with the story such as sequencing pictures, writing what the characters said in a speech bubble and finishing off a pattern.

We also began our RME topic this week which is Hinduism. The children listened to the story of Rama and Sita and primary 1 & 2 used puppets to show what they remembered of the story while primary 3 wrote on a story-board to show their learning.


Primary one went on a number hunt around the school to try and spot as many numbers as the could – they continued to learn about numbers up to 10 and recognising number shapes.
Primary two and three were re-capping odd and even numbers and P2 also made progress in learning their numbers to 100.
Primary three were using materials and the smartboard as well as their workbooks this week to continue developing their knowledge of place value.

Ar corp /our body Topic

Airson ar topaig an teirm-sa tha sinn gu bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn ar corp. Rinn Sinn toiseachd toiseachaidh le bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn ar cnamhan agus rinn sinn obair air na coig mothaichean cuideachd : Faileadh, faireachdainn, fradharc, claisneachd agus blas.

Our topic this term is  ‘ Our body ‘ and we began by learning about bones and skeletons this week. We also discussed our senses and and used our outdoor environment to look for things we could hear, feel, smell , see however there wasn’t much to taste!

obair aireamheachd / number work

Bha clas a h-aon ag ionnsachadh a bhith a’ cruthachadh agus ag aithneachadh aireamhan suas gu 10 an t-seachdain sa
Primary 1 were exploring number shapes this week and using different materials to recognise and make number up to 10

Primary 2 were using pegs to help them with subtractions as well as beginning to explore numbers up to 100!
Bha clas a dha ag obair air thoir air falbh agus a’ toiseachadh a’ coimhead ri aireamhan suas gu 100!

Fhuair h-uile duine sa chlas cothrom air na IPADs ur againn agus abair spors a bh’againn a’ cluich geamaichean matamataig & canan air apps Gaidhlig Storlann! Nach fheuch sibh p’fhein aig ain taigh iad!

We had great fun testing out our new ipads this week we were using them for Gaelic maths and literacy games which can be found by clicking on the following link- why dont you give them a try at home! https://apps.apple.com/gb/developer/st%C3%B2rlann/id1318702566

Creed Recycling Centre

Chaidh sinn a-null a Steornabhagh an t-seachdain sa airson ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn far am bidh an sgudal againn a’dol agus de bhios a tachairt ris!

Abair gu robh seallaidhean ann nuair a rainig sinn agus dh’ionnsaich sinn de seorsa rudan a bu choir a bhith dol anns gach ‘bin’ agus gu bheil torr dhaoine fhathast nach eil a leanntainn na riaghailtean agus tha sin ag adhbharachadh trioblaidean aig an ceann seo dhen phroiseas.

Seall mar a tha am plastaig air a bhruthadh ri cheile! Bidh seo air a’ reic a-nis agus air a thoirt gu tir-mor airson ath-chuartachadh agus beatha ur a thoirt dhan am plastaig

Final Trip to Horshader

This week we went into the polly tunnels to find our tomoato plants – we then re-planted them into bigger pots so that they can grow even bigger.
We’ll be bringing them home soon and so mums and dads they need tomato food to keep them healthy so that they flower and turn into tomatos! They also like to be warm and cosy so let’s hope for some sunshine this Summer Holiday!

We also took the bus up to Grinnebhat to check our potatoes and we had a lot of weeding to do!!


Bha aig a chlann ri bhith gu math cruthachail an t-seachdain sa. As deidh sgeulachd am bodach aran-cridhe a chluinntinn, bha aca ri bata a chruthachadh leis na stuthan air a bhord gus a’ faigheadh am bodach aran-cridhe ‘tarsainn an amhainn.’
Chuir sinn dhan a bhurn iad agus dh’ obraich feadhainn nas fhearr na feadhainn eile ach bha spors aig a h-uile duine a feuchainn air an dulan seo!

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