Horshader Week 3

An t-seachdain sa aig Horshader, chunnaic sinn cho àrd ‘s a bha na flùirichean grèine againn air fàs bho chuir sinn iad ro na làithean-saora.

Chuir sinn pònair-ruith agus bha sinne den bheachd gu robh iad coltach ri pònairean seunta a bh’aig Seoc anns a’ sgeulachd againn.

Chaidh sinn an uair sin a-mach agus chuir sinn uinnean  agus dh’uisgich sinn iad.


This week at Horshader, we were amazed at how tall our sunflowers had grown since we planted them before the holidays.

We then planted some runner beans and some of us thought they looked extremely like Jack and the Beanstalk beans!

We then went outside and planted some onions and finished off by watering them.

A-mach dhan a’ mhoine


Bha Diluain trang eile againn an t-seachdain sa far na chaith sinn a mhor chuid dhan a’ latha a-muigh- abair spors!

Sheall Iain dhuinn mar a ghearradh sinn moine agus abair gu robh sinn air bhioran feuchainn air sinn fhein!


We had another busy Monday this week, spending most of it outside -yippee!

Iain kindly showed us a peat bank and how to cut peats – We were desperate to have a go ourselves and had lots of fun




















































































A gluasad air adhart bhon an obair a bha sinn a’ deanamh air Stiuridhean ann am Maths, fhuair sinn an cothrom obrachadh le BeeBots.

Bidh iad ga ar cuideachadh le codadh agus ma tha na stiuridhean a bheir sinn dha cearr…Feumaidh sinn ‘De-bugadh’ a dheanamh!

Ceangall sinn an obair litreachas againn ri codadh an t-seachdain sa le mat ‘Seoc agus an Craobh Ponair.’ Tha seo a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ brosnachadh am briathrachas Gaidhlig againn.

Moving on from the work we have been doing on direction in Maths for the past week or so, we began using the Beebots.

They help us with coding and we have to ‘De-bug’ our instructions if something goes wrong.

We even linked it in with our literacy work by having a ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ themed mat this week which helps build up our Gaelic Vocabulary.

Aileag- Radio Nan Gaidheal

See the source imageThàinig dithis bho Radio Nan Gàidheal a bhruidhinn ris a’ chlas mu dheidhinn na tha iad air a bhith ag ionnsachadh aig Horshader leis gu bheil Seachdain Nàiseanta gàirneilearachd ann an ath sheachdain. Bha iad cuideachd a’ bruidhinn air an co-fharpais a th’aca le sgoil eile.


Dh’èist sinn ris a’ phrògram anns a’ chlas ach ma bu chaomh leibh èisteachd ris aig an taigh cleachd an ceangal gu h-ìosal. Tha am pìos againn air mu trì chairtealan tron a’ phrògram.


Two ladies from BBC Radio Nan Gàidheal came to speak to the children this week about their experiences at Horshader. This was ahead of National Gardening Week next week. The children also touched on the plants they are growing at home as they take part in the competition for the Westside Cattle Show this Summer.


We listened to the programme as a class but if you would like to hear it you can access it using the link above. Our piece is on around ¾ of the way through the programme.

A’ chiad seachdain air ais

An t-seachdain sa bha sinn a’ dol thairis air cuspairean maths a bha sinn ag obair air an teirm a chaidh. Thòisich sinn  a nuair sin a’ coimhead air slighe-stiùiridh.  Bha againn ri beagan obair a dhèanamh air a bhith a’ cuimhneachadh dè an taobh a bha clì agus dè an taobh a bha deas ach dh’obraich sinn math ann am buidhnean measgaichte leis an fheadhainn as sine a’ chuideachadh an fheadhainn as òige.

Mhothaich sinn cuideachd gu robh seo coltach ris an gèam còdadh a bhios sinn a’ cluich “lightbot” air hour of code. https://code.org/learn


This week’s maths was about direction and we found it a bit tricky to remember which way was right and which way was left do we had post-its on our hands to remind us!

We put together our own set of directions and tested them out to see if they worked within the space our group had. The older ones were very good at leading the younger ones and helping them with the directions.

Topaig ùr / New Topic

We began thinking about this term’s new topic this week. We discussed the ‘Environment’ and what that meant. We also spoke about what we’d like to learn within this topic.

P2 & 3 began by thinking about the themes ‘Reduce, Reuse & Recycle’ and we focused on ‘reducing’ our energy use in the home.


this website was useful in finding different items in our home we can turn off or use in a different way to waste less energy. Why don’t you give it a go with your child? They may need help as there is a bit of reading 🙂 .


Vicky from the RSPB also came to visit us on Friday and we learnt about the types of Bumble Bees that we have in the Western Isles. We played the ‘Life Cycle of a Bee’ game outside and the girls enjoyed taking turns to be the very important ‘Queen Bee!’

We began making papier mache Bees which we will be working on for the next few weeks. It was lots of fun and we now know how important bees are as they move pollen to different parts of a flower which allow fruits such as strawberries and apples to grow!


Horshader Week 2

Bha toiseachd tòiseachaidh miorbhailleach againn airson a’ chiad latha air ais leis gun d’fhuair sin a mhadainn a chaitheamh a-muigh a’ cuir pònairean,leatas, flùirichean agus feur!

What a start to the first day back as we got to spend it outside in the fresh air, planting pees,lettuce, flowers & even grass!

Bha a h-uile duine math air a bhith ag èisteachd ri David agus a leanntainn na stiùridhean aige.

The children were listening intently to David as he spoke to them and were very good at taking instructions from him.

Bidh sinn a’ tilleadh ann an cola-deug a dh’fhaicinn a bheil am buntàta a chuir sinn ro na làithean-saora air nochdadh fhathast.

We’ ll be returning in a fortnight to check if the potatoes we planted before the holidays have made an appearance yet!

Let us know what delicious things you’d like to see us plant next time!

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