Bha clas a h-aon ag ionnsachadh a bhith a’ cruthachadh agus ag aithneachadh aireamhan suas gu 10 an t-seachdain sa
Primary 1 were exploring number shapes this week and using different materials to recognise and make number up to 10
Primary 2 were using pegs to help them with subtractions as well as beginning to explore numbers up to 100!
Bha clas a dha ag obair air thoir air falbh agus a’ toiseachadh a’ coimhead ri aireamhan suas gu 100!
Fhuair h-uile duine sa chlas cothrom air na IPADs ur againn agus abair spors a bh’againn a’ cluich geamaichean matamataig & canan air apps Gaidhlig Storlann! Nach fheuch sibh p’fhein aig ain taigh iad!
We had great fun testing out our new ipads this week we were using them for Gaelic maths and literacy games which can be found by clicking on the following link- why dont you give them a try at home!
Chòrd e ri Lewis cothrom fhaighinn air IPad sa chlas!
Abair spors! KMM
Fantastic work Mrs Macleod and children. Great to see everyone so busy playing and learning lots. Thank you.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying the photos! Thanks for commenting 🙂 KMM