Gach seachdain/cola-deug, bidh sinn a taghadh sgeulachd mar chlas.
Bidh sinn ga leughadh neo ag èisteachd ris gach latha airson ar cuideachadh a bhith ag ionnsachadh briathrachas ùr. Tha sinn an uair sin a faighinn cothromon a bhith a cleachdadh na facail ùr sin ann an diofar dòighean. Chì sibh gu h-ìosal gu bheil sinn air tòiseachadh a’ leughadh ‘A’ chearc Bheag Ruadh.’ Gheibh sibh aon dè na dreuchdan dhen a’ sgeulachd seo air ma tha sibh airson èisteachd ris aig an taigh.
Every week or fortnight we choose a story to focus on as a class.
We read/listen to the story each day, to help improve our Gaelic Vocabulary. We then have follow-up activities based on the story, you will see below that we are currently reading ‘The little Red Hen’ and so the activity was to explore different materials used in the story. You can listen to a version of the story on
In this activity they are using their imaginations, fine motor skills, problem solving, sharing, communicating, weighing ingredients and many more skills through play. The older classes will usually have a written task to complete based on the story but also enjoy opportunities to use the materials for imaginative play.
You would also have seen at our sharing assembly that we sometimes learn to re-tell the story using Makaton sign language which the children engage very well with.
Here are some of the activities from our previous story, Jack and the beanstalk.