Science Experiments


We have been learning about pathogens (microorganisms that cause disease).  We carried out a science experiment to find out how pathogens spread.  We found out that the best way to wash your hands is with soap and warm water for 20 seconds.  How you wash your hands is also important.

This is a photograph of another science experiment to find out which conditions cause the most mould growth on a piece of bread.  We found out that damp and dark conditions caused the mould to spread the quickest.

Clann ann an Eis

Air Dihaoine an 15mh den t-Samhain bha sinn anns an aodach leabaidh againn fad an latha airson latha Clann ann an Eis.

Bha farpais-cheist againn agus bhuannaich Frozen flowers – buidheann cuairt litir na sgoile. Thainig Pudsey a cheilidh oirnn agus chord e rinn.

Bha teoclaid teth againn agus rinn sinn cupcakes  agus bha fountain teoclaid againn agus dh’ith sinn torr measan!

Chord an latha rinn gu mor! Uile gu leir chruinnich sinn £81.29.




Eilidh and Erin dancing

On the 12th of November Eilidh and Erin had a Highland Dancing showcase event .They were practising their dances for their upcoming trip to Disneyland.

They did their duet Tweedledum and Tweedledee  and they did their 7 dwarves group routine.

They did really well. Enjoy your trip and good luck!!

On-line Safety

On-line safety

Keeping safe on-line is important to everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a child or a grown up.  We want all our staff and pupils to understand the risks associated with the use of sociall media but to also enjoy the benefits of it.  In school, we support children to understand: how to behave in online communities, how to create and protect passwords, how to access information and what to do with unwanted information/requests.  It is an on-going process as we keep up with Digital Technology and its amazing power.                           Twitter: @SgoilBhreas

Soup and Pudding

On the 31st of October we had a pupil led soup and pudding lunch.

We made the soup and the bread and we also set the tables and the hall with chairs and tables .We made the soup out of the vegetables  that we grew in our school ploycrub.

We would like to thank all the parents and friends and family for coming and for all the donations and the very tasty  puddings .

We are very happy to say we raised an amazing £380.10 in total. Thank you very much to everyone who helped us raise this amazing total.

We hope everyone how came enjoyed their meals.Thank you to everyone how contributed to this event,and helped us raise an amazing £380 .

Thank you very much. 


Leasaich clann cruthachail, cùramach, misneachail agus soirbheachail (Create caring, confident, creative and successful citizens)

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