Category Archives: Documents
SQIP 2023 – 2024
SQUIP 2021-2022
SQIP 2019-2020
SQIP 2018-2019
Standards and Quality and Improvement Plan (SQIP)
Standards and Quality and Improvement Plan (SQIP)
The Scottish Government recommended this year that all schools combine the two documents—Standards and Quality Report and the School Improvement Plan—into one document.
The purpose of the annual SQIP is to report on the main achievements over the last school year and to bring about further improvement to the learning experiences and achievements of pupils. Improvement planning involves identifying what is good about a school, deciding how good a school can be and identifying the best way forward.
Sgoil Bhreascleit publishes the report which identifies strengths and areas for improvement in June of each year. The report forms the basis of the Improvement Plan.
We value the contribution that parents and the wider community make to the life of the school and include them in any self evaluation processes that then inform and/or support our improvement plan.
The plan is made available to all parents.