Comhairle nan Sgoilearan/Pupil Council

The Role of the Pupil Council

Pupil Council:
Pupil council meet every fortnight to discuss the ideas, decide on the most effective ways to change and improve the school and then talk to the people who can help to make it happen.
Pupil council regularly share news and information about new initiatives and the important things which are achieved.

Together we can help Sgoil Bhreascleit to continue to grow and succeed.

Sgoil Bhreascleit Council Constitution

Pupil council needs a constitution because it will:
•    Provide everyone with a clear statement of purpose
•    Set out the rules and procedures to make sure Pupil Council runs effectively and successfully
•    Provide clear guidelines for anyone joining pupil council

1.    To allow the children at Sgoil Bhreascleit to have a voice
2.    To help the school and community be a better place
3.    To help to improve learning in the school
4.    To raise funds for the school

Pupil council will be made up of representatives from Primary 1-7.
Each class has at least one representative who attends meetings and gives feedback.
Each house team will be given an opportunity to be a member of the pupil council for a term.

Elections will be run without prejudice or discrimination.
Any class member is entitled to run for Chair Person of the committee and the decision in each class will be made by a secret ballot.

Once elected on to Pupil Council as board members, children will be able to apply for specific job roles within the organisation.
These are as follows:
•    Chair person
•    Vice Chair Person
•    Secretary

These roles will be elected for each new committee.
Job roles and responsibilities will be shared with all Pupil Council members at the beginning of of each term.


Curriculum for Excellence

Curricular Areas:
Literacy & English
Numeracy & Mathematics
Health & Well-being
Social Studies
Expressive Arts
Modern Languages

Principles of Curricular Design:
Challenge & Enjoyment
Personalisation & choice

In all curricular areas, experiences and outcomes describe content and suggest methodology.  The experiences and outcomes are organised in levels to ensure progression.

EARLY Pre-school and P1, or later for some.
FIRST To the end of P4, but earlier later for some.
SECOND To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.
THIRD In S1-S3 but earlier for some
FOURTH Broadly equates to Standard Grade Int 1
SENIOR In S4-S6 but earlier for some

Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is transforming all aspects of education in Scotland. It has been developed over a number of years in partnership with teachers, parents and the wider education and business community. The curriculum comprises a broad general education up to the end of S3 followed by a senior phase of learning from S4 to S6. Increased emphasis is placed on inter-disciplinary learning, skills development and encouraging personal achievement. CfE is intended to foster four capacities in all young people: successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

Parents and carers are key partners in their children’s education and can play a vital role in supporting their child’s learning, choices and chances in life. The Scottish Government recognises the need for parents to have high quality, easily accessible information about their child’s education. One of the best ways to get involved in your child’s education is through the school parent council. Information about the school is available through the school’s Handbook.

Handbook Dec 2017

Leasaich clann cruthachail, cùramach, misneachail agus soirbheachail (Create caring, confident, creative and successful citizens)

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