Air Diluain an 18mh latha den t-Ogmhios chaidh class 5-7 gu Scaladale aison an oidhche. Nuair a rainig sinn chaidh sinn air cuairt comhla ri Kate(aon de na daoine a tha os cionn Scaladale)bha gaoth mor ann agus bha e fliuch aig amannan. Nuair a rainig sinn air ais ann an Scaladale bhe e mu 8:30. Bha 2 rum ann airson na balaich agus dha airson na tidsearan. Fhuair sinn tost agus teoclaid teth agus bha e gle mhath. Bha torr siucaran aig an rum againn agus cha robh mi a faireachdainn ro mhath airson dh’ith mi cus siucaran agus bha fhathast torr air fhagail againn.
Anns a mhadainn chaidh ar cuir ann an da buidheann le 9 clann anns gach buidheann. Bha mi anns a’ bhuidheann a bha a sreap balla an toiseach. Bha 3 diofar irean ann agus chaidh mi suas chun mheadhan air ire 1 agus 2. Bha mi toilichte le cho ard a fhuair mi agus chord e rium gu mor. Anns an fheasgar bha sinn a deanamh Gorge Scrambling bha againn ri coiseachd suas abhainn mor. Bha e uabhasach fuar ach thoisich e a fas blath fhad s a bha sinn a gluasad. Bha aiteannan ann a bha eu-domhainn agus bha aiteannan ann a bha domhainn. Bha aiteannan ann a dh’fhaodadh sinn leum a-steach agus bha aiteannan ann a dh’fhaodadh sinn slaighdeadh sios. Bha e uabhasach math.
Monthly Archives: June 2018
Coding Club
Our Code Club Pen Pals from Aldridge Code Club in England.
We met John Lynch the Leader from Aldridge Code Club when he visited Breasclete in May 2018.
Scaladale Trip
On Monday the 18th of June we had our school trip to Scaladale. We got on the bus at school 06:00 pm and we arrived at Scaladale at 06:45pm. First we went on a walk up around the hill at the back of the Scaladale centre. The hill was very steep, it was really windy and there were two rain showers. After the walk we were all put into groups so we knew which room we were in. Then we had hot chocolate and snacks for supper. Then we helped to wash up, dry and put away the dishes.
In the morning I woke up at 7:00am. We got put into two teams – one team went climbing and the other one went gorge walking.
(Rosanna P5)
On Monday night we went for a walk up a hill at the back of the Scaladale centre, it was a long path. We had to stop at each junction so we didn’t get lost. It was really windy at the top of the hill, the wind was so strong it nearly blew us away! After the walk we had hot chocolate, toast, scones and cake for supper. Then we went to bed and at midnight we a midnight feast! I didn’t go to sleep until 1:30am!
(Sandy P6)
Scaladale Trip
On the 19th of June the whole school went to Scaladale to do some activities. There was gorge walking and rock climbing for P5-7. For the Gorge Walking we had to get wetsuits on which took the boys around half an hour. Once the boys had got the wetsuits on we had to get life jackets on and shorts on top of the wetsuits for protection. After we were ready we got on the bus and headed to our destination. When we arrived we had a check that our equipment was safe and headed down the road to the river. In the river we got to climb up rocks, swim up currents and do bombs into very deep parts it was my favourite part. The skills I used were teamwork, swimming and perseverance (especially when I was swimming against the current – I didn’t give up!).
(Donnie P5)
Scaladale Gorge Walking
On Tuesday 19th of June we went to the Scaladale Centre, the best thing I did was Gorge walking up a river. At the beginning we got a shock because of how cold it was but we got used to it after a while. Then we went up the river, on the first bank we had to do the Hebridean dunk. We had to dunk our head under the water – it was really cold I had an ice cream headache!
We got to play for about 3 minutes in the pools then we went up more of the river. When we got to a deep pool that we could jump off a rock and into the pool even Ms Macmillan and Ms Macarthur did it! When we got up to the last pool we climbed up a small cliff edge and then carried on up the river. Once we all got to the next pool there was a small slide which we all had a go on, it was pretty fun. We were all trying to climb up the slippery rocks. In the end we all made it, the pool we were at we could all jump in (in style) this time there was an even bigger slide which was longer than the other one.
After we were done at the last pool we headed up to the mini-bus and wentback to the Scaladale Centre. Finally we could get a warm shower to heat up!
The skills that were important for gorge walking were communication and listening because we had to follow the leader’s instructions. Teamwork was important because we had to make sure everyone was safe and didn’t get pulled away in the current. I would definitely do gorge walking again.
(Josh P7)
Wild about Scotland Bus 13.06.18
On Wednesday the 13th of June the Wild about Scotland double-decker bus came to our school. We learnt about Biodiversity in Scotland. The first thing we did was go upstairs to learn about 6 different animal habitats:
- Farmland and croft land
- Lochs, rivers & wetlands
- Mountains, heaths and bogs
- Woodland
- Coasts and seas
- Gardens and green spaces
We had to sort 24 animals into the correct habitat by looking at the clues. When we went downstairs we looked at some skulls and the fur or a red fox. We had a quiz at the end to answer questions about what we had learned.
I found it interesting to learn about different animals and their habitats. My favourite Scottish animal is the red fox.
Outdoor Learning – Biodiversity
On Monday the 11th of June 2018 Tim Pickering came to the school to help us learn more about biodiversity in our local area.
We wanted to find out how many different species of insects we could find in the croft next to the school. First we needed to gather equipment such as magnifying glasses, clipboards and paper, insect identification keys and sample jars. I predicted that we would find between 0 – 20 different types of insects.
Once we had everything we needed we walked to the croft. We started looking for insects in the ground, on the wall of a shed and under rocks. When we found an insect we put it in the sample jar and drew a picture of it, we then wrote down the name of that bug. I found it difficult to read the latin names of the bugs. At the end Tim Pickering showed us an ant nest and we guessed how many there were.
Together we found 11 different species of insects including wasp spider, wolf spider, earwig, black garden ant, orb spider, woodlouse, slugs, beetles, ticks, red velvet mite and midges.
We found 11 types of insect in one hour but there were probably a lot more insects we didn’t find.
Endangered Animals and Biodiversity
On Monday 28th of June we learnt about and made a presentation about endangered animals. We had to write about their habitats and food chain. Sandy wrote about the Giant Panda, Josh wrote about the Bengal Tiger, Chris wrote about the Blue Whale, and Donnie wrote about the mountain Gorilla. It is very important that we make sure we look after the animal kingdom and plants.
We looked at food chains of these animals and have been learning a lot about biodiversity. Biodiversity means life diversity – we have so many different species of animals and plants on Earth. The loss of biodiversity could cause animals to become extinct. Different species may find it hard to survive if their habitats are being destroyed.
The ways you could help our world and animals from becoming extinct include: recycle your rubbish, not littering, not using harmful pesticides on plants or bugs.
Science Experiment
We set up a Science experiment on Monday the 15th of June to find out which plant would grow faster, the one with fertiliser or the one without.
The equipment we used for the experiment included a pot, soil, 70ml water, cress seeds.
I predicted that the plant with the fertiliser would grow the quickest..
To set up a fair experiment I made sure both plants had the same amount of water and sunlight every day.
Everyday we observed how much the plants had grown. The cress without fertiliser had grown to 4cm and looked very healthy. The cress with the fertiliser had only grown a little and it didn’t look as healthy.
My prediction was wrong I thought that the fertiliser would make the cress grow quicker and the plant would look healthier but this wasn’t what happened.
The cress in the yellow dish is the plant without fertiliser.
Scottish Engineering Leaders Award
This year some of our pupils entered the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award. Congratulations to Sandy Widdop (P6), Rose Marie Murray (P4) and Christopher Bowerman (P3), their invention designs were shortlisted and went on public display at Barony Hall in Glasgow.
Christopher’s drawing of his “Protection Drone” invention on display in Glasgow . A drone that keeps away burglars and sounds an alarm if intruders are near.
The Primary Engineer Leaders Awards and the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award asks children, pupils and students…

Designed and managed by Primary Engineer Programmes to provide an opportunity for children and pupils to interview engineers about their career paths and motivation, it has evolved into a creative problem solving, literacy and entrepreneurial project which annually involves over 23,800 pupils.
As pupil’s interview engineers and research engineering in general they are encouraged to look at the world around them to find problems an engineered solution could solve. Alongside their annotated drawings an accompanying letter is required to persuade engineers to choose their design to build. Links to The University of Strathclyde, The University of Southampton, Manchester Metropolitan University and UCL annually see these pupil’s dreams realised.
Every entry is graded by engineers and educationalists, all entries receive named certificates, shortlisted entries form part of regional public exhibitions and winners are presented Trophies.