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Firework Fun with Green and Blue
This week the Green and Blue group have been very excited about Guy Fawkes night which has inspired the children to make a range of beautiful art work.
We dipped string in to paint and moved it across the paper to create a firework effect.
The children were developing their fine motor skills while using the PVA glue to create firework patterns. The colourful glitter made the pictures shine bright just like the fireworks we saw on November 5th!
Look at our finished display!
We used food colouring to make a variety of vibrant water beads. We really enjoyed the sensory aspect of this activity as well as pouring and filling them in the water tray.
Our focus in maths has been pattern. The Green and Blues created repeating patterns using the paint and stampers.
We were also taking turns at maths games on the board to finish the sequence.
Potions and Pumpkins
with the Purple Group
We read ‘Meg and Mog’ and ‘I think my Mum is a Witch’, inspiring us to use our imaginations and create our own spooky stories.
Working collaboratively with our peers we successfully made Pumpkin Soup. We carefully deseeded the pumpkin, using our fine motor skills to chop the pumpkin and other vegetables.
We developed our problem solving skills as we measured and weighed the ingredients.
The children then had the opportunity to taste their creation. ‘This soup is amazing’- R
We created our own potions using play dough and a variety of other resources, we retold the spells from the book developing our language skills.
We developed our fine motor, sensory and number recognition skills as we matched and counted spiders and snakes
using tweezers in a variety of different experiences.
**Welcome Back**
****Welcome Back Everyone****
~~Rhyme of the Week~~
Our rhyme of the week is Away in a Manger. We are singing only the first verse. You can join in on the day! Here are the words.
Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.
Our rhymes of the week are Mary Mary Mother of Jesus (sung to the tune of Mary Mary Quite Contrary) and Three Wise Men (sung to the tune of Hot Cross Buns)
Mary Mary mother of Jesus,
Please may we see the babe?
The angel told us where to come-
“In a manger he is laid”
Three Wise Men
Three wise men,
Three wise men,
Watched the star and followed it to Bethlehem.
We can see the bright star,
Just as well as them.
It is shining brightly over Bethlehem.
~~Rhyme of the Week~~
We are going to learn two rhymes from our Nativity story this week.
First one is, Jesus Was Born in a Stable, to the tune of See-saw Marjory Daw
See-saw, creep to the door,
Jesus was born in a stable.
He is asleep snuggled down in the hay
We’re happy because it’s his birthday.
Second one is, Sing a Song of Shepherds, to the tune of Sing a Song of Sixpence.
Sing a song of shepherds
Looking after sheep
Sing a song of shepherds
Woken from their sleep.
Sing a song of shepherds
As angels filled the sky.
They sang a song of love and joy
For every girl and boy.
~~Rhyme of the Week~~
Our rhyme of the week is Special News, taken from our Nursery Rhyme Nativity. It is sung to the tune of London Bridge.
I have come with special news,
Special news, special news.
I have come with special news,
My fair lady.
You will have a baby boy,
Baby boy, baby boy.
You will have a baby boy,
My fair lady.