Our Lady of Fatima

On 13th May 1917 Our Lady appeared to three young children in the small village of Fatima in Portugal. in 1917 the World was not at peace. The First World War continued and in this year Communism would become the dominant force in Russia which would lead to the formation of the USSR and its atheistic dogma which would blight the World for decades.

Through the three children, Our Lady urged the people of the World to pray especially her Rosary; to go to Mass; to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to make sacrifices for sinners.

The events of Fatima are told in this classic documentary with the link below. On the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima we will post a link for a modern version of the story. Both are good for families to watch together.

Message from Bishop Keenan for this Thursday.

Dear Fathers, brothers and sisters,

Pope Francis has asked believers of all religions to unite spiritually in a Day of Prayer and Fasting and Works of Charity on Thursday 14 May, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus pandemic. ‘All believers together, believers of different traditions, to pray, fast, and do works of charity.’
Please spread the word and do what is possible in the circumstances.
Many commendations on all the amazing good you are already doing in these times, which is widely appreciated by our people.
God bless and keep you safe,
+ John

‘Child 31’ Video

If you are taking the opportunity to read the excerpts from ‘The Shed Which Fed A Million Children’ you will enjoy, indeed, be moved by the Mary’s Meals Video ‘Child 31’. This is a great video for the family to watch together.
The link is given below.

Mary’s Meals Family Tasks.

In 2015 Magnus MacFarlan-Barrow wrote the Best Seller ‘The Shed Which Fed A Million Children’ which told the inspiring story of Mary’s Meals. Mary’s Meal and the publishers of the book. Generously, they have released excerpts from the book for individual and family reading. They have also suggested a variety of creative tasks along with some short questions to consider.

There are six sections which lend themselves to a light read either on your own or with your family. If you complete any of the creative tasks, please send a photo of them to the RE Twitter Account @StNiniansRE

Mary’s Meals

May Rosary

Each Friday Lunchtime in School we would gather at 12.20pm for Eucharistic Adoration and to recite the Rosary. We may not be able to gather in our Oratory but we can gather with our family in in unity with other members of our School Community to recite the Rosary. On the First of May, the beginning of the Month of Mary, you are invited to recite the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for our intentions and the needs of our World.

The Fist of May is also the Feast of St Joseph the Worker and in our prayers on Friday we will also ask for his intercession and to join with us.

This link gives the prayers of the Rosary and a short reflection for each Decade. It starts with the Novena to the Sacred Heart and the Novena of Mary Undoer of Knots.

Friday Rosary 01 May 2020

The Feast of St Joseph the Worker.

On Friday 1st May we celebrate the Feast of St Joseph the Worker.

Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker in 1955. The Feast builds on a long tradition linking St Joseph, dignity of work and the causes of workers. In the Book of Genesis, God commands humanity to care for his creation and they are to be stewards of the Earth. Through work humanity both fulfills the command found in Genesis to care for the earth (Gn 2:15) and to be productive in their labours.

In tradition, Joseph, the Carpenter is seen as being the best role model of conscientious work, being the first teacher of Jesus to whom he taught the trade of carpentry.

In his encyclical Laborem Exercens, Pope John Paul II stated: “the Church considers it her task always to call attention to the dignity and rights of those who work, to condemn situations in which that dignity and those rights are violated, and to help to guide [social] changes so as to ensure authentic progress by man and society.”

Saint Joseph is held up as a model of such work. Pius XII emphasized this when he said, “The spirit flows to you and to all men from the heart of the God-man, Saviour of the world, but certainly, no worker was ever more completely and profoundly penetrated by it than the foster father of Jesus, who lived with Him in closest intimacy and community of family life and work.”

Today, we pray for all workers and for those denied their right to work.