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Art of the Month – September

We are delighted that Monsignor Monaghan continues to offer his support to all pupils, parents and staff in St Ninian’s High School.

As part of his ongoing encouragement he kindly produces an Art of the Month.  This complements the weekly prayers by focussing on a topical piece of artwork.

Monsignor Monaghan offers a description of the piece and why it is relevant.  He also poses questions for us to consider in relation to our professional and personal lives.  In doing so, asking us to reflect on our practices, strengthening our faith and improving our Health and Wellbeing.

Art of the Month September

Inaugural Mass Thanks

Many thanks to all pupils, parents and staff who attended the Inaugural Mass on Thursday 29 August.

This was an extremely special occasion as we begin this academic year.

Many thanks to Father Stephen who was the main celebrant and thanks to Monsignor Monaghan and Father Eoin who supported him.

Well done to the pupils who were involved in the music, readings and alter serving.

The Mass can be viewed again here:

Inaugural Mass 29.8.19

Parent’s Day Retreat


Parents and friends of the School are invited to a Day Retreat on Friday 17 May in School. Monsignor Monaghan will lead the day on the theme of understanding Scripture. The timings and further details are given in the attachment and suit those who have children in St Ninian’s or Primary School.

There is no charge and snacks and lunch will be provided. If you would like to attend please phone the School Office on 0141 577 2000.

Catholic Education Week

Many thanks to staff and pupils who represented our school in their local parishes as part of Catholic Education week. Pupils provided the music as well as being involved in celebrating the mass by reading,   Although this week was celebrated already in February, this second week signifies when Catholic Education week will now take place. Furthermore, it brings to an end the celebrations of the centenary of the 1918 Education Act.  This Act saw Catholic schools transfer from Diocesan control to State governance.

Attending Saint Cadoc’s  Church where John Crilley, Mhairi Zing, Annabelle Nordmann, Nicola Martin, Paul  Docherty, Stephen Gallagher,  Maria Gallagher, Sophia Laurie, Francesca Crilley, Patrick Mackie, Grace Mackie and Sinead O’Hara.

Attending Saint Joseph’s Church where Thomas Leahy-Kelly, John Lynch, Nicola Martin and Rhona Mowat.

Attending Holy Name where Arianna Fraioli and family as well as the Sutherland Family from Our Lady of the Missions.

Rome 2019

Arrangements are well underway for Rome Pilgrimage 2019 which will include our current Fifth Years. The dates have been confirmed as Monday 16 September to Monday 23 September 2019. We are flying from Glasgow International to Rome Fiumicino with Jet2 and staying in the Hotel Dei Mille in the Centre of Rome.

We have managed to arrange for a visit to the Scavi deep underneath St Peter’s Basilica to St Peter’s Tomb. The pupils will have the privilege of looking to the Tomb of Peter from just a few feet away and being able to pray at his tomb.

The remaining amount to be a paid is £725.00 which can be paid in instalments as suggested :
Friday 22 February 2019 £125.00
Friday 29 March 2019 £200.00
Friday 26 April 2019 £200.00
Friday 24 May 2019 £200.00

For the visit each pupils requires an individual passport and we understand that a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will still be important. In June 2019 pupils will be asked to provide details from passports to allow us to complete the Flight List. Please ensure that your child’s passport is current at this time and will remain current for September 2019.

Pupils should collect a letter from Mr Bradshaw and a Consent Form which will allow us to plan for any particular medical issues. The Consent Form should be completed and returned no later than Friday 23 November 2018. A further Consent Form will be issued nearer the time of the visit.