Numeracy in the classroom

This week the boys and girls have been learning lots of new concepts in numeracy. We have had a very successful week  developing lots of new skills.

Some of the boys and girls were revising their numbers to 20. We worked on ordering the numbers correctly and matching the words to digits.

Millie and Monroe were very interested in learning how to multiple. We learned that 2 x 4 is the same as 2 groups of 4 or 4 + 4. We also learned that when we multiple by 2 we are just doubling the number.

We also spent some of the week working on solving word problems. All pupils worked extremely hard together to solve each problem. We looked at words which meant add and words which meant subtract to work out what operation we needed to use to answer the question. Each pair then explained how they solved each word problem.

Ruan and Joshua worked hard together using the numicon to make the story of 10.

There were lots of number patterns and colour patterns made this week.

WE 21.2.20

Primary 2b have had a very busy week this week. There has been lots of independent learning happening in our atrium.

Some of the boys and girls built an amazing spaceship using the bricks and wooden planks.

In science this week we were learning about the states of water. We learned that water can come in 3 different states, solid, liquid and solid. We conducted a range of experiments to test how water can change from a solid into a liquid. We discovered that salt lowers the melting temperature of ice as it melted quicker than the ice without anything on it. We also discovered that the boiling water melted the ice much faster than hot air.

We then sorted pictures of water in different forms into solid, liquid and gas.

After that we watched the process of evaporation and condensation. Miss McFlynn boiled the melted ice in the kettle. We knew it was boiling when the steam started to come out of the top. Miss McFlynn then held a mirror over the steam and we watched at the steam cooled down it turned back into a liquid.

This week we have also been learning how to insert an image from the web into  google doc. Previously we have learned how to insert aa picture from the camera and insert a drawing.

Today we were very lucky to have experienced a little bit of Taekwondo. The boys and girls loved every minute of it as you can see below. All pupils have been issued with a leaflet which provides you with further information about the club on offer. Thank you to Hazel for coming.

Finally as today was world thinking day here are some of our pupils proudly showing off their uniform.





Our week 18/11/19

This week have had lots of fun learning new and exciting things.

Some of us started off the week with Miss Mobbs learning how to partition numbers. We looked at double digit numbers that have tens and units. We created our own numbers using the tens and units.

We enjoyed making use of our construction skills to create some amazing models using the Lego. Jamie made an ice cream. Amelia worked hard to build a house.

Some boys and girls were building cvc words. They worked hard to spell the words correctly and identify all the sounds.

We enjoyed using technology to practice our numeracy skills on sumdog.

This afternoon we continued learning about the weather. Today we focused on rain and Miss Mobbs taught us all about the water cycle. We learned about condensation and precipitation and even got to make our own rain clouds.


Maths Week 2019

P2b have been loving maths week so far! This week we have been using lots of different numeracy skills across all areas of the curriculum.

P2b showed this week that they are very independent learners. They have been hard at work creating their own patterns using different resources in the class.

Also during maths week we have been experimenting with different resources that can help us with adding and subtracting. Our favourites so far have been the recknreck counting frames and the numeracy blueprints.

We went on a treasure hunt around the playground this week. We had to use a map to locate each clue in the playground. Once we had found each clue we had to use our counting skills to add up the number of objects at each point. We had lots of fun working together to find the treasure!

This week we had a visit from a very special person…. BOOKBUG!! We had a fantastic morning singing songs and listening to a story all about numbers and counting.

Today we learned about symmetry. We used this knowledge and our art skills to design symmetrical butterflies.

Lastly, today we channelled our inner Mary Berry and made our own Chocolate Krispie Cakes. We had so much fun using our measuring skills to weigh out the ingredients. We worked together as a team to melt the chocolate, mix the ingredients together and spoon the mixture into the cases. They tasted yummy!

I was very lucky that I had 2 fantastic volunteers to help wash and dry the dishes!

Check Out Our Toys!

Last week P2b were so amazed by Cieran’s robot that they decided to make their own.

As part of social studies we have been learning about toys from the past and present. P2b were tasked with collecting as much recycled material throughout the week to use to create their own toys.

Look at our amazing and imaginative designs!


W/E 20.09.19

P2b have yet again had a very busy and productive week!

This week in numeracy we have been looking at pattern. We created our own patterns in the class using different shapes and colours.

Jamie, Liam, Hannah, Millie, Dylan and Libby worked together to make a huge chain. They used their problem solving skills to come up with a way to measure how long the chain was. They discovered it was 35 rulers long!

We went outside this week and went on a ‘senses’ walk around the school. We were on the hunt for things that we could see, smell, hear, feel and taste. We discovered lots of different things on our walk.

We also spent the week revising some french greetings that we learned in P1 and were introduced to some new ones. We walked around the class to music and when it stopped we found a friend to practice our french conversational skills. We know how to say hello, my name is and tell people how we are. Ask us at home!


This week we have been very busy learning some new numeracy skills. The squares have started learning about money this week and have been practicing organising coins by colour and amount.

Some of the boys and girls have been working hard on their mental calculation strategies. They have been using these to solved addition problems beyond 20.

Eilidh and Libby opened up a shop in the class.

Also lots of the boys and girls used the 2D shapes to create lots of fantastic patterns and pictures.

As you can see we have had a very busy week so far in P2b!

W/E 6.9.19

This week we were joined by P6a for literacy. We buddied up and got to know our new friends whilst taking part in some paired reading. It was lovely experience for all of us. We hope P6a can join us again soon!

We also started our new topic ‘The Past’ this week. Our focus over the next few weeks will be toys from the past. We began discussing toys that we own and spoke about their properties. We then compared these to toys from the past and discussed similarities and differences. We worked togther to organise some toys into old and new. After this we had the chance to talk about our favourite toy. Some of the boys and girls drew wonderful pictures of their toy.

Some wonderful child led learning has been going on in P2b this week too!

Eilidh, Liam and Libby decided to build a castle for a King and Queen. They had to work together to mak sure the castle was stable and could stand on its own.

Chloe and Sienna set up their very own shop. Before they could open they had to sort the money.

Cieran, Jason and Ben worked hard togther using the bricks in the atrium to build a fantastic train station.

Aleah made this amazing pattern using the plastic shapes.

What a productive week we have had in P2b!

Outdoor Learning

Last week we took our learning outdoors. We have been learning about measure in numeracy and mathematics and have been using different materials to measure with. Last week we used materials that could be found outside to measure the length of parts of our bodies. We used things like sticks, stones and leaves.

Ask us about our findings :)!

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