Outdoor Classroom Day

Today is Outdoor Classroom Day so we had a jam-packed timetable full of fresh-air fun! This morning we headed outside to demonstrate our numeracy skills using natural materials and chalk. Then mid-morning we took part in a mini golf challenge with the loose parts with Primary 4a. Finally, we finished off this afternoon with some exercise and games in the back field. I think it’s safe to say, there will be a lot of tired pupils tonight 🙂


Science enquiry and fun costumes

The pupils have been growing crest seeds within the classroom as part of our Science Enquiry on plant growth. Last Friday, we had a lot of interesting discussion, comparing the growth of one crest plant to another, all while wearing amazing Halloween costumes!

This week, we have also been putting the finishing touches onto our bird feeders. We wanted to make these camouflage into the natural environment so decided to use fallen leaves to decorate them. Not long now before we can finally get these into our playground!


Climate Change

For the past few weeks, the students have been learning all about COP 26 and the importance of climate change education. Through our discussions, we have identified three areas that we feel we can make a difference in our school and local area. One of the areas we wanted to focus on was the destruction of animal habitats in Barrhead as a result of all of the new homes. Our solution? A bird feeder made from recycled materials!


Have a look at the progress so far! We can’t wait to share our finished results.

Maths Week Scotland

This week, the pupils have enjoyed a change of pace in their Numeracy lessons as they have taken on a number of challenges as part of Maths Week Scotland. Every day the children have made their way through a digital Escape Room, cracking the codes on each door as they make their way through.

The challenges have been an excellent opportunity for the students to put their problem solving skills to the test whilst building their Growth Mindset.

In this challenge, the students were asked to move only two pencils to have the counter ‘move’ from the inside of the glass to the outside. Well done to Hannah and Ben for completing this challenge first!

We have this challenge and a similar challenge posted to our Google Classroom if you want to work together on a new challenge tonight! Best of luck!

Ball skills, stress balls and plant growing

It’s been a busy week in P4a! Here’s a quick look at some of the exciting things the student’s have been up to…


Ball skills

We’ve been developing our ball skills, practising dribbling, passing, receiving and much more!

Stress balls

As part of HWB we have been learning about our feelings and emotions. While discussing worry and stress, we came up with a list of strategies to help us manage this emotion and as a result made stress balls.

Plant growing

Mrs Harvey was back in the classroom today and helped the students to better understand what a plant needs to grow and together the class created their first Science Investigation of the year. We can’t wait to see these grow over the next week.

The power of plants

Today the student’s enjoyed an exciting Science lesson with Mrs Harvey.

Have you ever peeled a broad bean to see what you might find inside? If not, why not ask your P4b pupil what they discovered in today’s lesson. There is something rather exciting inside that starts with an ‘e’.  Ask your child if they can remember the name of this (very important) part of the bean.

We survived the first week of school…

… and what a week it’s been!

Here is a quick recap of what the students’ got up to in their first full week of Primary 4:

  • We became a class of book worms and read our way through the week as part of our new daily literacy learning
  • We became more confident with fractions by creating bright and bold fraction walls
  • We discussed what we know and what we want to know about St Mark’s and the local area for the school’s big 60th Anniversary celebrations!
  • We learned a little more about the characters from the movie Inside Out and how we can relate to their feelings and emotions at different times
  • We re-drafted our superb Bio Poems that will be showcased on our walls very shortly
  • Plus much, much more!

A huge well done to everyone for their hard work this week. I look forward to a fresh week and seeing all of your happy faces come Monday.

Rest up and relax.

Mrs Reid 🙂

Monday 14th June

Primary 3B have been so excited to watch the Football today. They have been hard at work making their own posters and banners.


We all had a great afternoon watching and celebrating 🙂










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