Digital learning

P1b have been using lots of digital technology to support their learning in class!

We used the chrome books to practice some of the things we have been working on during our maths and numeracy lessons!

Some of the digital leaders came to support us using Dash, our school robot! We were able to program him to follow different directions and draw some super pictures!

We had a go of hit the button on the interactive board and Liam managed to get 26 questions correct in 30 seconds, well done you!

We also had a go of he virtual reality headsets and were able to experience lots of different environments! They were amazing!

Primary 1b social studies

Primary 1b have been planning their own learning! We started with the experience and outcome we need to cover and we made suggestions of all of the different things we’d like to learn about within that. Our suggestions linked really well with other areas across the curriculum so we’re going to be very busy!

We started out today with our main interest and we learned about trees! We were able to identify the main parts of a tree and we designed our own trees with all of those parts! Next we plan to go on a leaf hunt to collect lots of different leaves and identify which trees they come from!


Primary 1b had some fantastic fun over Halloween enjoying lots of different activities! We created some shadow pictures using sponges and paint –


We made up recipes for our own scary potions!

We also made a paper chain that was so long we had to take it outside to measure it and it was 19 children long!!!


P1b have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears and have been using it to practice our measuring skills! We have been using the language of measure while we have measured the width of the bears’ bowls, the height of their chairs and and the length of baby bears bed! We have also put all of the characters from the story in to order from smallest to biggest. Super work primary 1!

P1 home learning

Some of our children have been working so hard on their sounds and their numbers at home that we had to share this fantastic effort!

Liam has been enjoying his number work in class so much that he has been practicing at home and has managed to count in 100s  up to 2700 and in 1000s up to 16000 and write those numbers down!

Chloe has been exploring her sounds in lots of different ways at home. She has found and drawn lots of different things beginning with ‘r’ and practiced her rainbow writing and she has also used glitter, paint and foam letters to practice writing the letter ‘m’!

What excellent work from both children, well done Liam and Chloe!



Junk modelling

Primary 1b read the book Not a Box and some of our children were inspired to create ghostbusters backpacks while we were junk modelling this afternoon, well done boys!

Primary 1b


Primary 1b have been working really hard in literacy this week! We have learned lots of new sounds and new tricky words and we have practiced them in lots of different ways. We have been using our sounds to have a go at writing words and sentences. We have been working hard on writing our names all by ourselves! We have also been talking about sequential words and can use first, next and finally in sentences!


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