During our daily literacy learning, we created comic strips based on a short reading passage from our talking and listening task!
Potted Sports
Some potted sports fun at Sports Day 😊⚽️🏹
Genius Hour Fun
Genius hour fun!
As part of his genius hour project Allan taught the class about the different sections of a volcano. Each of the children got their own model to make and we had so much fun learning about the parts of a volcano 😊.
Laragh Library
P5b loved visiting our Laragh Library today and getting to browse through the amazing selection of books 📚.
We then got cosy and comfy and enjoyed a read along ✨🤩.
Genius Hour!
today we made a start on sharing our ‘genius hour’ presentations. The boys and girls have put so much effort into these projects and I am so impressed with the creativity and high standard, can’t wait to see more next week ✨ Make Your Mark ✨
Quick 6!
The boys and girls worked collaboratively in groups to answer a ‘Quick 6’ maths calculations for an operation of their choice.
Some learners really challenged themselves by having a go at the ‘Spicy’ questions. The children loved working in groups of their choice to complete this Maths task 📚.
Fire at the forest 🔥
The boys and girls got to help prepare and build a fire at the forest 🌳 and then got to enjoy some roasted marshmallows over the fire 🔥.
Forest school 🌳
building fires at forest school on Tuesday 🔥.
The children were shown different type of fires they could build as well as what is essential to start a fire. P5 were taught about fire safety and next week are going to be involved in lighting a fire using flint and steel 🍃.
3D Object Models
The circles have been learning to identify the features of 3d objects, they constructed models using blue tack and spaghetti and counted the edges and vertices of objects 😊.
STEM – Buoyancy
Today we have been testing what sinks and what floats and investigating buoyancy.